On the history of pediatric stomatology in Russia



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Pediatric stomatology became an independent discipline after being a part of general dentistry, so the history of their development are closely linked. The first descriptions of dental diseases in children in the domestic literature refer to the XVIII century. In the late XIX-early XX century a specialized dental care for children was established. AK Limberg should be considered a pioneer of pediatric stomatology in Russia. The article shows the role of pediatric stomatology departments (currently there are 27 of them in Russia) in the development of the specialty. Targeted reduction of dental morbidity of the child population is possible through implementing of a complex program, including the organization of dentist care, prevention and treatment of main dental diseases: dental caries and its complications, inflammatory periodontal diseases, dentoalveolar malformations. Implementation of these measures includes the cooperation of the health system, public education and public catering.


Konstantin Pashkov

A. I. Evdokimov Moscow State Medical Stomatologic University

Email: historymed@mail.ru
MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head of Department, Department of History of Medicine


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