Effect of lipoic acid on the exchange of sialo-containing compounds in rats blood plasma with alloxan diabet





Oxidative stress is one of the markers of chronic diseases, including diabetes. Lipoic (tioctic) acid refers to natural non-enzyme antioxidants which is also necessary for the operation of multienzyme complexes catalyzing oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, α-ketoglutarate and other α-keto acids, and a poet omu plays an important role in the process of obtaining energy under aerobic conditions. Sialic acids are related to polyfunctional compounds that are part of various carbohydrate-containing compounds (glycoproteins, proteoglycans, gangliosides), including acute blood proteins.

The purpose of the study was a comparative study of the influence of lipoic acid lots on the exchange rates of compounds containing sialic acids in the blood plasma of rats with alloxan diabetes. Studies were conducted on white mongrel rats – males weighing 180-220 grams in the autumn-winter period. The animals were divided into three groups: the first – intact rats, in animals of the second and third groups, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (DM) was caused by a single subcutaneous injection of alloxan tetrahydrate. Rodents of the third group received lipoic acid intramuscularly. The degree of development of oxidative stress was assessed by the content of TBA-active products in the blood. Their indicators were compared with the concentrations of glucose, free, oligo- and protein-bound sialic acids in the blood on days 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 of the experiments. It was found that on the background of the introduction of lipoic (thioctic) acid to experimental animals, there is a decrease in the level of glycemia, a decrease in the processes of oxidative stress and indicators of free and oligo-related sialic acids in blood plasma.


Irina Volkhina

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: volchinaiv@gmail.com

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Biological Chemistry

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Evgenii Butolin

Izhevsk State Medical Academy

Email: butoline@mail.ru

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Department of Biological Chemistry

俄罗斯联邦, Izhevsk

Elena Skvorsova

Izhevsk State Medical Academy

Email: skvor0280@mail.ru

graduate student of the Department of Biochemistry

俄罗斯联邦, Izhevsk


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