Prospects of use of integrative indicators of computer processing of EEG in the structure of the express-analysis of neurocognitive status



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The aim of the present study was to determine the set of procedures that allows to assess most adequately the neurocognitive profile of a person in conditions of time shortage.The procedure that we have suggested included the registration of EEG with its subsequent computer processing. The study group included 152 adults with age ranging from 18 to 65 years who were undergoing occupational selection for professions demanding heightened attention. Processing of the fragments of EEG with the computer program WinEEG allowed to calculate the index and power spectrum in every frequency range. The results of the examination of 34 psychoneurological dispensary patients served as the control database.In study group EEGs recorded during the testing were visually evaluated as free from any paroxysmal or focal abnormal activity. Statistical processing of the data obtained in EEG computer analysis allowed to reveal which differences between the two data groups were statistically significant: the indices and spectrums of EEG power of the theta frequency range in all channels. The indices and spectrums of EEG power of the alpha frequency range were also significantly different in occipital and temporal channels. Computer analysis of EEG makes this method a promising approach for further development of rapid diagnostics of human mental state in psychophysiological screening tests. The proposed procedures may be useful for integrated rapid diagnostics of human mental state.


Nikita Kipyatkov

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Normal Physiology

Vladimir Dutov

Sankt-Petersburg Psychoneurological Clinic N 1

MD, PhD, Head


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