The problem of providing gynecological care for girls from dare migrants



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Among girls who were on an outpatient appointment with a pediatric gynecologist, special attention, both from an organisational and a purely medical point of view, attract daughters of migrants aged under 17 years (218 people). Medical problems of this group of children lie in the prevalence of transient dysfunctional States such as pubertal uterine bleeding, follicular ovarian cysts, disorders of sexual development. These types of disorders are regarded as consequences of chronic stress. In addition, there were poor premorbid background. Indicators of reproductive potential migrant girls are at a lower level than girls, indigenous. Baby gynecologists have to overcome, in addition to purely medical, organizational and legal problems that often occur in children from families of migrants and internally displaced persons.


Juriy Gurkin

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor of the Department of Children,s and Women´s Reproduction

Svetlana Feoktistova

City children`s clinic N 19

MD, PhD, medical consultant

Vladimir Shapkayts

State Maternity Home N 16

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Сhief Doctor of Maternity Home


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版权所有 © Gurkin J.A., Feoktistova S.S., Shapkayts V.A., 2015

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