Self-assessment of health and readiness for military service of senior pupils of Yakutsk

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At present, the state of health of young men deserves special attention on the part of the state, since they are not only the economic, social, demographic, but also the defense potential of the country. The evaluation of the health of young people of their own health in terms of the ability to perform certain social functions and roles, that is, self-evaluation of health, is important in assessing health. In order to study the opinion of the young men about their health and their compliance with the requirements of military service, an anonymous survey of 325 senior pupils of four Yakutsk general education schools was conducted. It was found that many young men of Yakutsk low estimate their readiness for military service. An analysis of the self-assessment of the degree of physical training made it possible to establish that more than a third of high school students believe that they have poor or insufficient physical training, more than a quarter believe that they are not physically ready for military service. At the same time, less than a third seek to improve their physical training through regular physical training and sports, the remaining boys regularly do not engage in physical culture and sports, explaining this subjective reasons. Most know that there are such diseases in which one does not join the army, and one in four believes that he has such a disease. Of the 100 senior pupils, 8,2 ± 1,5 assess their health as bad, 11,2 ± 1,8 consider that for health reasons they are not fit for military service, at the same time 42,4 ± 2,8 believe that to military service they are only limitedly fit or temporarily unfit. Statistically significant differences in the self-assessment of health and the degree of physical fitness between the Yakuts and the Russians were not established.

About the authors

Vadim K. Iurev

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Author for correspondence.

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of Public Health and Health Care

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Pavel G. Zhirkov

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


Postgraduate Student, Department of Public Health and Health Care

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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