Children's oncology in St. Petersburg: achievements and prospects of development

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The statistics (incidence, mortality, survival) characterizing a problem and the oncological care to children with malignant tumors in St. Petersburg are presented in the article. It is proved that intensification in the therapeutic regimens according to immunohistochemical features, age, extending of tumor significantly raised survival rates, having approached them to the world. The five-year survival of children treated in the 90th of the last century in St. Petersburg, was 60,9 %, at the beginning of the 2000th increase of survival to 69,3 % with approach to European survival (71,8 %) is noted. Improvement of indicators of survival, first of all, should be explained with progress in therapy of the most widespread localizations - leukemias and central nervous system tumors. Thanks to an intensification of treatment it was succeeded to improve considerably results of treatment of children with acute leukemia: the survival from 10-15 % in the 70-80th reached 80 %. Traditionally good results were observed at Hodgkin’s lymphoma: the 5-year overall survival was 94% with event-free survival of 87 %. Using of the European protocol for treatment of Wilm’s tumor (SIOP 93-01) increased survival of children with a unilateral tumor to 94,4 % at the overall survival more than 80 %. Improvement of overall survival in children was influenced also by introduction in practice protocols of BFM (Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster) for treatment non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma thanks to what 5-year event-free survival increased from 30 to 81 %. Now the perspective in children’s oncology are development of molecular and genetic diagnostics with search the germ mutations at a hereditary cancer syndrome, definition of a range of somatic mutations in genes at sporadic malignant tumors at children.

About the authors

Margarita Borisovna Belogurova

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head. Department of Oncology, Pediatric oncology and Radiation therapy

Elmira Gosmanovna Boichenko

City Children's Hospital N 1

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Head. Department of oncology, hematology and chemotherapy

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Kulyova

N. N. Petrov Oncology Research Institute

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head. Department of Children`s Chemotherapy and Combined Modality Therapy


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Copyright (c) 2015 Belogurova M.B., Boichenko E.G., Kulyova S.A.

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