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卷 29, 编号 4 (2021)



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Original study


Gazaryan L., Selyanina N., Karakulova Y., Sosnin D.



目的GRIN1基因单核苷酸多态性rs 1126442对创伤后癫痫风险影响的测定。


结果在创伤后癫痫患者中,局灶性癫痫转移至双侧强直-阵挛性癫痫发作为主。根据神经影像学资料,发现营养不良、囊性、囊性与神经胶质囊肿及外部性脑积水征象。在脑电图中记录发作间断性和发作性癫痫样活动,以及θ波减速。通过对GRIN1基因rs 1126442多态性进行基因分型,根据共显性遗传模型(OR=3.43; 95% (CI): 1.56—7.55; p=0.0047)、显性遗传(OR=3.24; 95% (CI): 1.57–6.68; p=0.0011)、超显性遗传(OR=2.90; 95% CI: 1.36–6.22; p=0.0048), 创伤后癫痫患者以G/A杂合型和A/A纯合型为主。 GRIN1基因杂合子基因型G/A rs 1126442的携带与所有癫痫患者脑电图上癫痫样活动的记录有关(OR=2.40; 95% (CI): 1.11—5.20; p=0.024)。

结论根据显性和共显性遗传模型,携带杂合基因型G/A和纯合基因型A/A rs 1126442 GRIN1与创伤性脑损伤后癫痫的高风险有关,而GRIN1基因杂合基因型G/A rs 1126442的携带与脑电图上癫痫样活动的记录有关。

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):449-456
pages 449-456 views

Technical condition of buildings of outpatient medical organizations (units) in the Russian Federation

Evdakov V., Melnikov Y., Smyshlyaev A.


Introduction: The current material and technical conditions of the buildings of the state healthcare system of the Russian Federation (RF) is associated with the availability of medical care to the population. The reduction of this parameter influences the quality of life of the population. To improve the provision of the RF population with outpatient medical care, a profound material and technical restructuring and modernization of primary care setting is necessary.

Aim: To analyze the main parameters of the technical condition of buildings of medical organizations of outpatient care (MOOC) in the RF for 2012–2019.

Materials and methods: The study used data from Federal statistical observation form No. 30 "Information about a Medical Organization" in the RF for 2012–2019. Data were analyzed statistically using descriptive and analytical statistics and analysis of dynamic series. Absolute and relative parameters of the technical condition of MOOC buildings were calculated. Trend analysis was the main methods used.

Results: In 2012–2017, the number of MOOC buildings in disrepair and requiring demolition tended to decrease from 215 to 96 units. In 2012–2019, the number of MOOC buildings requiring reconstruction decreased from 511 to 179. In 2012–2018, the number of MOOC buildings requiring full repair decreased from 4,347 to 2,378. However, in 2019, the number sharply increased to 4,113. In 2014–2019, the number of MOOC buildings located in adapted premises increased from 6,723 to 8,126 units. In 2014–2019, the number of MOOC buildings located in rented areas decreased from 1,443 to 1,414. In 2012–2019, the number of MOOC buildings with hot water supply, central water supply, central heating, central sewer drainage, telephone communication, and autonomous power supply increased.

Conclusion: The total number of MOOC in the study period increased by 7.9%. The number of buildings requiring repair and modernization in 2012–2019 tended to decrease. Not all parameters show a positive tendency, and the modernization of healthcare is structurally incomplete.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):457-464
pages 457-464 views

Peculiarities of the rate of adaptive restructuring of heart rate variability of natives of different generations living in the coastal and intracontinental climatic zones of the Magadan region

Averyanova I., Maksimov A.


Introduction: Currently, young Caucasian populations of different generations are living in the Magadan region (MR). The study of heart rate variability (HRV) in these samples will add to the modern understanding of the physiological mechanisms of adaptive restructures in those living in coastal and continental zones of the MR.

Aim: To study restructures of HRV in young Caucasians who were representatives of the zeroth, first, second, and third generations living in the coastal and continental zones of MR, with significant differences in the extremality of natural environmental factors.

Materials and methods: TThe study involved 870 young men aged 17–21 years. HRV parameters were analyzed using a Varikard device.

Results:  Compared with individuals of the same age living in the coastal zone, residents of the continental climatic zone were characterized by more evident predomination of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. A tendency to the enhancement of the parasympathetic influence from the zeroth to subsequent generations was observed in both young men living in the coastal and continental zones.

Conclusion: The direction of adaptive shifts in the restructuring of HRV characteristics varied depending on the climatic zone where the examined individuals lived: in the continental climate of the MR, adaptive restructuring of HRV parameters occurs faster and already completed at the first generation in comparison with migrants, with no significant differences between representatives of the first and second generations. In young men living in coastal zones, restructures occur more slowly and continue upto the representatives of the third generation.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):465-473
pages 465-473 views

Prevalence and risk of chronic diseases in medical personnel of mobile ambulance teams

Bolobonkina T., Dementyev A., Minaeva N.


Introduction: Medical workers of mobile ambulance teams (MATs) are at a high risk of exposure to harmful working conditions, leading to the development of chronic diseases (CDs).

Aim: To study the prevalence and risks of the development of CDs according to the results of a sociological survey among medical workers of MATs.

Materials and methods: The method used for the sociological research was based on a specially designed questionnaire using Google Forms electronic service. The survey was participated by 176 medical workers. The average age of the respondents was 40.58 ± 14.01 years, of which 143 were women and 33 were men.

Results:  Of the majority of the respondents (63.6%), 51.5% were 18–25 years old with working period <5 years, who had CDs; 89.5% were 51–60 years old, and 100% were ≥61 years old. The most common forms of CDs were diseases of the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, respiratory organs, urogenital system, and circulatory system, and the prevalence ranged from 25.6 to 15.3 per 100 respondents. In the total cohort, 74.8% had chronic morbidity. The medical personnel of general ambulance teams had significantly higher relative risk (RR) of CDs (2.449 [95% confidence interval, CI 1.701–3.525]) than those of specialized ambulance teams. Gender and occupational differences in the development of musculoskeletal pathologies were found, with higher RRs among women (RR 4.510 [95% CI 1.155–17.610]) and medical personnel of MATs (RR 1.874 [95% CI 1.041–3.374]).

Conclusions: The prevalence of certain CDs among medical workers of MATs depends on the duration of contact with occupational factors, gender, and age of the workers.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):483-488
pages 483-488 views

Pharmacoepidemiology of the administration of antihypertensive drugs by doctors in the Voronezh region in comparison with the results of the PYTHAGOR IV study

Kartashova E., Batischeva G., Zhdanova O., Sharapova Y.


Background: To examine the pharmacoepidemiology of treatment for arterial hypertension (AH) in Russia, the PYTHAGOR study has been conducted since 2001, including PYTHAGOR I–II (2001–2002), PYTHAGOR III (2008), and PYTHAGOR IV (2013). Increasing the role of doctors of outpatient care in the pharmacotherapy of patients with AH creates prerequisites for conducting new pharmacoepidemiological studies.

Aim: To investigate the structure of prescriptions of antihypertensive drugs (AHD) by outpatient doctors at the regional level in comparison with the results of PYTHAGOR IV pharmacoepidemiological study.

Materials and methods: In 2018, a survey was conducted in the Voronezh region among 104 doctors, including 58 general practitioners (55.8%), 37 therapists (35.6%), and four cardiologists (3.8%). The average age of the doctors was 45.7 ± 13.5 years, the accumulated period of work was 21.0 ± 13.7 years, and the period of work in an outpatient clinic was 16.6 ± 12.4 years.

Results:  In the structure of doctors’ pREFERENCES in selecting free combinations of AHD, doctors preferred angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (iACE; 90.3%), but they were prescribed more rarely than that in PYTHAGOR IV study (93.8%). The remaining AHD groups were used by doctors of the VR more often than in the PYTHAGOR IV study: beta-adrenoblockers, 89.4% (PYTHAGOR IV, 73.1%); diuretics, 88.4% (73.2%); calcium antagonists (CА), 86.5% (67.3%); angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB), 81.7% (62.1%); imidazoline receptor agonists, 57.6% (13.3%). In the selection of fixed combinations of AHD: iACE or ARB with a diuretic was used in 71.9% and 36.4%, respectively, and iACE with CA in 46.2%. In the PYTHAGOR IV study, these combinations were used more rarely, i.e., in 33.3%, 28.0%, and 24.1%, respectively.

Conclusion: The data obtained indicate adherence of doctors to modern clinical guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of AH.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):475-482
pages 475-482 views


Kotskaya A., Salaychuk E., Kudinov V., Terentyev V., Lankina M.





结果:冠心病合并2型糖尿病患者中有22%的患者出现心血管自主神经病变,所有患者均有心率变异性和血压变异性异常。43%的患者在经典心血管试验得分正常(<4.0)的情况下检测到心率变异性和血压变异性的偏差。治疗6个月期间,HbA1c水平由8.38±0.56%降至6.9±0.26%(p<0.05),未使用恩格列净组HbA1c水平由8.28±0.32%降至7.30±0.29%(p<0.05)。恩格列净组每日平均心率(HR)由86.7±2.4次/分降至76.7±2.1次/分(p<0.05),昼夜节律指数由1.19±0.02升高至1.30±0.01(p<0.05),SDNN由106.1±2.21 ms上升至114.03±2.34 ms(p<0.05),收缩压变异性指数日间由22.9±1.7 ms下降至16.4±1.9%,p< 0.05,夜间由16.8±2.2 ms下降至12.3±2.6%,p< 0.05。

结论:检测到的心率变异性和血压变异性的变化可能是心血管自主神经病变的一种表现,如果经典心血管试验的总分< 4.0,则表明其处于临床前阶段。在恩格列净治疗的背景下,记录了心率变异性和血压变异性的正动态,证明了其能够改善自主神经系统的功能状态。

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):489-496
pages 489-496 views


Kalinin R., Suchkov I., Povarov V., Mzhavanadze N., Jurina O.




材料与方法:本研究在俄罗斯基础研究基金会资助下,在第19-315-90109号科学项目框架内开展。在一项前瞻性研究(ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT04499612)中,包括61例患者(男性为45.9%),平均年龄为71.5±8.8岁。手术组包括房室传导阻滞(AB)为23例和窦房结无力综合征(SSS) 为25例,保守组包括房室传导阻滞和窦房结无力综合征为13例,但无心脏电刺激器植入指征。1例房室传导阻滞患者、12例窦房结无力综合征患者、5例保守组患者接受抗凝治疗。其余患者接受抗血小板治疗。测定纤维蛋白原(FI)水平及凝血因子VIII(FVIII)、IX(FIX)、抗凝血酶III (АТ III)、蛋白C活性,对手术组患者于心脏电刺激器植入前及植入后7天行上肢、下肢静脉超声检查及外周血静脉血采集。在C组,只有在研究中才进行类似的检查。

结果:房室传导阻滞患者术后7天血FI水平显著升高(p=0.042)。组间比较发现,手术组植入术后患者AT III活性高于保守组(p=0.018,p=0.006)。术后,窦房结无力综合征患者在抗凝治疗背景下,FVIII和FIX活性低于抗血小板治疗背景下(p=0.048和p=0.015)。根据ROC分析,房室阻滞患者死亡的危险因素是AT III活性降低,窦房结无力综合征患者的FIX活性增加。

结论:在植入心脏电刺激器后至少7天内,房室阻滞患者在抗血小板治疗中止血系统的平衡向高凝状态转移。在窦房结无力综合征患者中使用抗凝剂提供了向低凝的转变。房室传导阻滞患者的AT III活性降低和窦房结无力综合征患者的FIX活性增加是手术后一年内死亡的预后因素。

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):497-504
pages 497-504 views

Magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis for predictors of ventral hernia recurrence

Fedoseev A., Shklyar V., Lebedev S., Inyutin A.


Introduction: The problem of surgical treatment of patients with ventral hernias remains actual over years. This is due to significant number of patients with this pathology as well as a steadily high percentage of recurrence of the disease after reconstructive operations (24%–44%).

Aim: To identify the interrelation between the constitutional peculiarities of patients and the condition of the anterior abdominal wall tissues as predictors of the formation and recurrence of ventral hernias, based on the results of magnetic-resonance study.

Materials and methods: To assess the connection between the body constitution, the age and the morphological structure of the anterior abdominal wall, we examined 71 patients who were referred for magnetic-resonance examination of the abdominal cavity. In the work, the age of the patients was defined (WHO classification (2015)), and the body mass index. To reveal the signs of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (CTD), the chart by T. Milkovska–Dmitrova and A. Karkashev (1985) was used. For statistical processing of the data and construction of the graph, Statistica 13.3, SPSS 14.0 for Windows Evaluation Version, MS Excel 2016 statistic packages were used.

Results:  Fatty degeneration of muscle tissue (DMT) prevails among elder individuals (rxy=-0.540; p< 0.05). Obesity is accompanied by diastasis of abdominal rectus muscles (rxy=0.806, p< 0.05) and fatty degeneration (rxy=0.568; p< 0.05). Connective tissue dysplasia is closely associated with the rectus muscle diastasis (rxy=0.948; tСт=3.834; p< 0.05) and distension of the umbilical ring (rxy=0.934; T-test=3.703, p< 0.05). Latent aponeurosis defects are also most characteristic of patients with connective tissue dysplasia; however, this dependence was not statistically confirmed in the studied cohort (rxy=0.258; T-test=0.734, p> 0.05).

Conclusion: Вefore planning surgical intervention for ventral hernia, we recommend MRI examination of the anterior abdominal wall tissues be performed in patients for determination of the volume of the intervention to prevent recurrence.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):505-512
pages 505-512 views

Optimal periods for coronary artery bypass surgery on working heart in patients with stenosis of left main coronary artery and acute coronary syndrome

Staroverov I., Staroverov I., Churakov S., Lonchakova O.


Introduction: The treatment strategies of patients with stenosis of the left main coronary artery (LMCA) and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is being debated. One of the key problems is the selection of the optimal time for coronary artery bypass surgery (CABS) in these patients.

Aim: To analyze different periods of revascularization of the myocardium by CABS on a working heart in patients with LMCA stenosis and ACS.

Materials and methods: A prospective analysis of treatment of 112 patients with LMCA stenosis (> 50%) and ACS was performed. Patients were divided to three groups depending on the time of surgical treatment: upto 7 days after occurrence of ACS, 18 (16.1%, group1) patients; 8–14 days, 38 (33.9%, group2) patients; > 14 days, 56 (50%, group3) patients. The average time of ACS-CABS in all patients was 15 days. The groups were comparable in terms of the main preoperative parameters, except for EuroSCORE II and GRACE scale that were predominant in the early periods of CABS.

Results:  LMCA subocclusion (stenosis > 90%) with coexistence of anginal syndrome at rest was observed in more than half of patients with surgery upto 7 days (56%, p=0.019). The surgery duration, blood loss through drains, number of days in the resuscitation unit, duration of artificial lung ventilation, and use of vasopressor support were not significantly different. The revascularization index was higher in surgeries conducted within 7 days than in surgeries performed within 8–14 days (2.33 ± 0.59 versus 1.89 ± 0.65, p=0.02). The evaluation of the dynamics of the functional parameters of the myocardium showed a greater increase in ejection fraction in group1 when compared with group3 after surgery (p=0.036). In the evaluation of the end-diastolic volume of the left ventricle, the average reductions were 16 mL, 14 mL, and 8.5 mL, respectively, without any significant differences among the groups. The rate of intrahospital lethality was highest in group3 (.4%), followed by group2 (2.6%). No fatal outcomes were noted in surgeries conducted in upto 7 days (p> 0.050).

Conclusion: Early CABS performed upto 7 days have similar immediate results to delayed ones and considerably improves the contractile ability of the myocardium in patients with ACS and LMCA stenosis.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):513-520
pages 513-520 views


Faustova A., Krasnorutskaya O.


论证:心理创伤会对大脑半球的海马体、杏仁核和前额皮质造成明显的损伤。脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF—brain-derived neurotrophic factor) 在缺血性脑损伤和外伤性脑损伤中具有神经保护作用。到目前为止,还没有足够的理由确认BDNF在克服创伤性事件的负面后果的过程中也确保了神经系统的生存能力。





I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):521-530
pages 521-530 views


Kulikov E., Demko A., Volkov A., Budanov A., Orlova N.




材料与方法:我们使用计算机诊断系统RTM 01 RES对118例不同乳腺病理的患者进行了检查。测量在9个点进行:一个控制点在乳腺上观察肿瘤;两个控制点在胸骨上腹部和剑突处;一个控制点在两侧腋窝区以确定可能的转移。研究时间为每位女性15—20分钟。将RTM结果与组织学、超声、乳腺X线摄影及临床影像资料进行比较。



I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):531-538
pages 531-538 views

Clinical reports

Clinical case of an unusual course of coronavirus infection in patient with chronic disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus infection

Dobin V., Gorbunov A., Muratov Y.


Introduction: The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic demonstrated a negative influence on many underlying diseases, their course, and prognosis. A combined course of active tuberculosis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, and COVID-19 is a rare case in the routine clinical practice; therefore, it is of scientific and practical interest. In a 41-year-old patient with severe chronic disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis and HIV infection, presence of tuberculosis mycobacteria, resistance to streptomycin and isoniazid, chronic respiratory failure, cachexia, and immunodeficiency, COVID-19 was manifested only by the detection of SARS-Cov-2 virus from the nasopharynx and did not influence the treatment and prognosis of tuberculosis.

Conclusion: The described case of a combination of active tuberculosis with HIV infection and COVID-19 demonstrated that effective treatment of specific tuberculosis process is quite possible.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):539-544
pages 539-544 views


Success and unsolved issues of embolization of the uterine arteries in uterine fibroid

Antropova E., Sharafutdinov B., Ryzhkin S., Mazitova M.


Introduction: According to the clinical recommendations of the Healthcare Ministry of Russia (2021), uterine artery embolization (UAE) in uterine fibroid is an alternative to surgical treatment in case of high surgical risk and absence of contraindications in women who do not desire pregnancy. The advantages of UAE are associated with lesser blood loss, shorter hospital stay, and recovery of the working capacity. Here, we present an analysis of the literature and our 14-year clinical experience in performing UAE in uterine fibroid. Screening and primary diagnosis of uterine fibroid and indications and contraindications of UAE in the current publications were analyzed. Different methods of EUA implementation were described, and the advantages of the transradial access (TRA) are demonstrated on the basis of the actual clinical experience.

Conclusion: The results obtained in the use of TRA revealed the reduction of radioscopy time and surgery time in general, which are beneficial in terms of the reduction of radiation exposure. Besides, an argument for the given access is a considerably lower frequency of serious complications at the access site. The main obstacles to the introduction and wide use of TRA are based on the lack of specialist experience, absence of specialized training programs, and use of unsuitable and traumatizing instruments. One of the unsolved questions is the absence of an anesthesia protocol, which must be developed with the participation of both gynecologists and specialists on X-ray endovascular diagnostics and treatment.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):545-556
pages 545-556 views


P. K. Anokhin’s answer to E. A. Asratyan’s review of “Biology and neurophysiology of conditioned reflex” monograph. Echo of Pavlovian session

Sherstnev V.


The article presents previously unpublished documents, comments, and materials that were directly related to significant events in the life and performance of a Russian scientist and academician P. K. Anokhin, such as the Lenin Prize award and the Pavlovian session. The text of P. K. Anokhin’s answer to the review of a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences E. A. Asratyan of P. K. Anokhin’s monograph “Biology and Neurophysiology of Conditioned Reflex” submitted to the competition for the Lenin Prize, was published. In 1972, P. K. Anokhin was awarded the Lenin Prize for the monograph “Biology and Neurophysiology of Conditioned Reflex”. P. K. Anokhin answered the accusatory statements of the reviewer concerning the “danger” of the functional system for the Pavlovian doctrine and the analytical nature of the scientific method of I. P. Pavlov and answered critical questions about the “synthetic” and “systemic” approach and the priority in the development of the theory of systems and feedback.

The work presented literature facts that the statements and questions of Asratyan were consistent with his accusatory comments about P. K. Anokhin at the Pavlovian session — the scientific session of the USSR Academy of Sciences and of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, dedicated to the physiological doctrine of academician I. P. Pavlov, which was held in Moscow in July–August 1950. At the session, P. K. Anokhin was accused of “revision” of the ideological foundations of Pavlov’s teachings and of detraction of the significance of Pavlov’s theory of the higher nervous activity.

After the Pavlovian session, P. K. Anokhin was dismissed from the post of the director of Institute of Physiology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, dismissed from the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, and appointed Professor of the Department of Physiology of Ryazan Medical Institute. Over the years, E. A. Asratyan persistently criticized P. K. Anokhin as the “opponent of I. PPavlov’s teaching” and actively rejected the theory of functional systems.

Conclusion: The presented documents have not lost their significance even now. These documents are important for understanding the ideological essence of the systemic approach and of the theory of functional systems and are interesting for the history of Russian physiological science and medicine.

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2021;29(4):557-565
pages 557-565 views
