Dispensary management of patients with venous thromboembolic complications


This article represents the results of dispensary managent of patients with venous thromboembolic complications. All the patients were admitted to the dispensary after discharge from vascular surgery department. Deep venous thrombosis group included 101 patients who underwent conservative treatment, 90 patients who received both conservative treatment and implantation of permanent vena cava filter «Corona», and 74 patients who underwent resection of a main deep vein. 28% patients had anamnestic pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE). Only 3.9% patients who underwent conservative threatment without surgical prophylaxis of PTE had recurrent thromboembolism of pulmonary artery during the period of dispensary management. Comparative analysis revealed a 2-times higher incidence of deep venous thrombosis in contralateral extremity after surgical methods of prophylaxis. According to the research results, dynamic observation of patients as well as timely control and correction of therapy allowed to significantly improve the efficacy of treatment and reduce the number of complications. Efficient programs of treatment and rehabilitation developed individually for each patient with venous thromboembolic complications allow for the effective treatment of thrombosis, impediment of the recurrence, and improvement of patient’s quality of life.


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版权所有 © Kalinin R.E., Suchkov I.A., Narizhniy M.V., 2011

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