
The study included 28 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and a possible postoperative hemoglobin level of less than 120 g/l. For the prevention of postoperative anemia it is used recombinant human erythropoietin alpha and iron (III) hydroxide sucrose complex. Hemoglobin levels were monitored for 4 weeks after surgery and it is estimated the need for blood transfusions. Use of recombinant human erythropoietin and iron sucrose in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis increases basic hematological parameters as compared with the control group, and reduces the risk of postoperative anemia.


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版权所有 © Nikolaev A.N., Demikhov V.G., Dobin V.L., Inyakova N.V., Oskin D.N., Morshchakova E.F., 2014

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