Clinical specific features of grippe-induced severe out-patient form of pneumonia


The aim of the article is to study clinical specific features of grippe-induced severe out-patient form of pneumonia (OPP) using the comparative analyses of clinical, laboratory and x-ray examination data of severe out-patient form of pneumonia which was not connected with acute respiratory virus infection (ARVI). The first group included 25 patients (mean age - 35,6±2,8 years) with severe OPP induced by grippe. All patients were infected by grippe virus A/H1N1 swl. The second group consisting of 25 patients (mean age - 50,6±3,8 years) with severe OPP which was not associated with ARVI. Young and middle aged persons had grippe-induced OPP in whom the obesity of the II and III stages was the background disease of 28 % of patients. Fever (39,1 ºC or more) was marked in 60% of cases, the mean duration period of fever was 15,1±2,1 days. Stab neutrophil shift secondary or normal total amount of leucocytes was noted. 48% of cases showed the increase of transaminase level. It appeared that the lesion of two lobes of the lungs (76%) and bilateral damage of pulmonary tissue (72%) were characteristic signs. Complications in grippe-induced pneumonia occurred frequently. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was seen in 12% of cases.


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版权所有 © Abrosimov V.N., Almazova E.V., Abrosimov V.N., Almazova E.V., 2010

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