
Serum matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) was assayed at 3-4 days after the first acute myocardial infarction symptoms onset in 36 patients (40-72 years old, 83% male, 89% ST-elevation). Serum concentration of MMP-9 had association with neither sizes nor function of the left ventricular of the heart (LV) assessed by echocardiography performed during hospital admission and before discharge. In contrast, anterior infarction, higher arterial blood pressure during index admission and wall motion index score (WMIS) turned to have positive correlation with LV sizes.


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版权所有 © Trufanov K.V., Rakita D.R., Vulekh V.M., Nikiforov L.V., Axentiev S.B., Yakushina M.S., 2012

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