Principles of modern treatment of multiple sclerosis (at the example of Ryazan region)


Treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most challenging problems of the modern practice of neurology. Due to the fact that the etiology of the disease is still un-clear,and it is impossible for prevention and etiological therapy. At the same time, the active introduction of drugs in the clinical practice of disease-modifying therapy for multiple sclerosis (DMT), earlier was kind of impossible but at present days it is one the of the difficult disease to treat. Now a days, immunomodulatory drugs are the drug of choice for thepathogenetic treatment of MS. The paper presents the main factors determining the current approaches to the treatment of MS. Based on the literature data and the results of our observations are given basic regimen in different stages of the disease depending on the type of disease in MS patients at Ryazan region.


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版权所有 © Lorim L.V., Dzhaparalieva N.T., Mikheeva L.M., 2013

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