The main risk factors and their impact on the hiv/tuberculosis epidemic




With the HIV epidemic progression, an increase of HIV/tuberculosis co-infection in relation to a number of interrelated risk factors is becoming actual everywhere.

The aim of the descriptive analytical study is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary assessment of risk factors that increase or decrease the spread of the dual HIV/tuberculosis infection at the current stage in the North-West of Russia, as a pilot region.

Materials and Methods. Research methods included socio-demographic, economic and epidemiological analysis, ranking, correlation and expert assessment. The basis of the socio-demographic and economic analysis was information from the state statistics on the regions of North-West of Russia, of the epidemiological analysis – reporting forms of Rosstat on tuberculosis, HIV-infection and HIV/tuberculosis coinfection, including data on the economic and human resources of the tuberculosis control system, information from analytical reports on supervising activities in the regions of the North-West of Russia during 2007-2017. The correlation dependence between the studied parameters was determined by the Spearman coefficient.

Results. In the North-West of Russia, there is a statistically significant relationship between the spread of HIV/tuberculosis co-infection and the epidemiological factor in general (0.627, p<0.039) and the HIV epidemic, as a mono-disease in particular (0.731, p<0.011). The tuberculosis epidemic does not play a significant role in the complex of epidemiological factors (0.332, p>0.319) and does not make a statistically significant contribution to the HIV/tuberculosis epidemic (0.127, p>0.710). The penitentiary system also has no statistically significant relation with the HIV/tuberculosis epidemic (0.233, p>0.490), however, the tuberculosis epidemic, as monoinfection (0.619, p<0.042) is significantly associated with the correctional system. Conclusion. To improve the HIV/tuberculosis epidemic situation, it is necessary to strengthen of HIV tackling measures, especially in the penitentiary system and strengthen the economic and human resources of the tuberculosis control system.


Zinaida Zagdyn

Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1149-5400
SPIN 代码: 9897-9186
Researcher ID: C-2558-2014

MD, PhD, Senior Researcher of the Scientific-Methodological Department

俄罗斯联邦, Saint-Petersburg


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