Peculiarities of energy production in glial cells of sympathetic ganglia




Aim. To determine the energy profile of satellite gliocytes in the cranial cervical sympathe-tic ganglia (CCSG) in normal functioning of nicotinic cholinergic synapses (nChS) and in their pharmaceutical deprivation.

Materials and Methods. Deprivation of CCSG in rabbits was implemented by using cholinolytic dimecolinum. The activity of H- and M-isoforms of lactate de-hydrogenase (LDH) was determined in gliocytes offrozen sections by integral cytophotomentry using Brumberg and Pevzner method.

Results. In satellite gliocytes a considerably higher activity of M-isoforms of LDH in comparison with that of H-isoforms was found which evidences predomination of anaerobic mechanisms of energy metabolism over aerobic ones in the studied cells. The relationship between the levels of activity of (Н/М) isoforms of LDH in gliocytes with experimental deprivation of nChR exhibited a complete inversion as compared to glial cells of CCSG with normal functioning of synapses.

Conclusion. Satellite gliocytes of cranial cervical sympathetic ganglion, like any other somatic cells, possess initially programmed aerobic system of energy production which transforms into anaerobic system under influence of impulses arriving through nicotine-sensitive cholinergic synapses.


Petr Gorelikov

Research institute of human morphology

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5870-6634
SPIN 代码: 9708-0060
Researcher ID: B-7825-2019

MD, PhD in Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Neuromorphology

俄罗斯联邦, 3, Tsuryupy street, Moscow, 117418


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