Key characteristics of women and men suffering from alcohol dependence in the context of auto-agressive behaviour



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Aim. To define the clinically and practically significant differences in characteristics of women and men who suffer from alcohol dependency in terms of auto-aggressive behavior associated with alcohol dependence. The article presents the analysis of data obtained in 124 subjects divided into two groups 62 subjects each, women and men suffering from alcohol dependence. Results. The study shows that women and men suffering from alcohol dependence have certain features throughout the course of the disease in the context of the auto-aggressive behavior. Most of the subjects were characterized by a hereditary development of the alcohol dependency represented by the presence of the alcoholism in mothers among 32% of female patients versus 10% among male ones. Women, in general, had more severe alcohol dependence (84% of the female subjects had rapid progression of the disease). The duration of therapeutic remission in most of the cases was less than a year, there were no prolonged therapeutic remissions (3 to 5 years). Conclusion. Women and men have different course of the alcohol dependence, including the auto-aggressive behavioral characteristics, which in turn requires special attention of the medical services that provide narcological and anti-suicidal aid to both female and male patients. Development of gender-specific therapeutic approaches to the treatment of alcohol dependency is also required.

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© Somkina O.Y., Merinov A.V., Baqkova M.A., 2016

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