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85 patients (43 with a stomach ulcer of a duodenal gut and 42 with a syndrome of the angry intestines) are surveyed. At 20 of patients in everyone nosology to group to standard therapy it was in addition appointed afobazol in a doze of 30 mg day within 10 days of hospitalization. Quality of a life was compared by means of test SF-36. As a result of use parameters of test SF-36 have authentically increased in treatment afobazol at sick of a stomach ulcer on scales a pain, the general health, viability, social functioning, mental health, and at patients with a syndrome of the angry intestines – a pain, viability, mental health that testifies to positive influence of the given preparation on quality of a life. The rate of therapy afobazol within 10 days on a background of standard therapy allows to receive authentic improvement of quality of a life (a physical and psychological component) at gastroenterology patients at the most widespread nosology forms.

About the authors

N. M. Agarkov

Курский государственный технический университет

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

B. D. Zhidkih

Курский государственный медицинский университет

Russian Federation

I. V. Kolomiets

Курский государственный технический университет

Russian Federation

M. J. Markelov

Курский государственный технический университет

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Agarkov N.M., Zhidkih B.D., Kolomiets I.V., Markelov M.J.

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