
The paper analyzes the results of percutaneous puncture draining treatment for pancreatic cysts in 38 patients in case of chronic pancreatitis in 2008 to 2012. The first stage of treatment was carried out percutaneous thin needle aspiration puncture of the contents of the cavity cysts under ultrasound guidance. A different approach to diagnostics as well as to surgical management of complications is offered. The early and accurate diagnosis of pancreatic cysts, in which ultrasound study plays a major role, is a condition for their successful treatment. Indications to different surgical methods are formulated differently depending on complications of cysts, localization, sizes, «maturity» of cyst walls, communication with main pancreatic duct. Puncture treatment was used in 7 patients; percutaneous drainage under ultrasound guidance was performed in 31 patients. No mortality rate was noted. Miniinvasive puncture-draining interventions were effective in 33 patients, which amounted to 86,9 %.


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Copyright (c) 2013 Tarasenko S.V., Karyukhin I.V., Rakhmaev T.S., Lunkov I.A., Nikitin D.A., Donyukova S.P., Panina N.Y.

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