Sanitary and toxicological certification of new dyes of aniline derivatives

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Organic dyes, including aniline derivatives, are widely used in the national economy. The volume of their production is constantly increasing, new compounds are being developed, the degree of danger of which to humans is unknown. This determines the relevance of the primary sanitary and hygienic certification of its derivatives at the stage of laboratory and experimental industrial synthesis. Occupational risk in the production and use of dyes is due to direct contact of workers (inhalation and skin) with such compounds that are highly toxic, irritating, skin-resorptive, allergenic and long-term effects (mutagenic, embryotropic, teratogenic, carcinogenic).

About the authors

F. G. Shaikhutdinov

Republican Toxicological Center of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Republic of Tatarstan

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

V. V. Podosinovsky

Republican Toxicological Center of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Republic of Tatarstan

Russian Federation

Z. Z. Asadullina

Republican Toxicological Center of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Republic of Tatarstan

Russian Federation

E. V. Fadeeva

Republican Toxicological Center of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Republic of Tatarstan

Russian Federation

N. M. Shakurova

Republican Toxicological Center of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Republic of Tatarstan

Russian Federation


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© 1993 Shaikhutdinov F.G., Podosinovsky V.V., Asadullina Z.Z., Fadeeva E.V., Shakurova N.M.

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