Evaluation of the efficacy of respiratory gymnastics in patients with panic attacks

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Aim. Study of the efficacy of respiratory gymnastics in the treatment of panic attacks.

Methods. The study included 28 patients with the diagnosis of «panic attacks»: 22 females and 6 males. All participants followed the specially developed respiratory gymnastics program twice a day daily for 2 months. In each patient neurological status was checked before and after the study, and cardiovascular parameters (heart rate, blood pressure), respiration rate, severity and frequency of panic attacks were registered. For the evaluation of anxiety Spielberger scale for anxiety was used. The level of depression was assessed according to Hamilton rating scale for depression. For identification of hyperventilation syndrome hyperventilation provocation test was performed and Nijmegen questionnaire was used.

Results. After respiratory gymnastics for 2 months the frequency of panic attacks decreased by 66%, the number of symptoms during panic attacks decreased by 50%. Respiratory rate decreased by 18%, Nijmegen questionnaire score - by 28%. The level of situational anxiety and depression decreased by 15 and 14%, respectively, and degree of personal anxiety decreased by 5%. Cardiovascular parameters decreased nonsignificantly: pulse - by 3%, systolic and diastolic BP - by 1 and 2%, respectively.

Conclusion. Respiratory gymnastics effectively decreases the frequency and severity of panic attacks and can be effectively used in the complex treatment of panic attacks as a safe and effective non-drug method of treatment.

About the authors

E Z Yakupov

Kazan state medical university

Email: muhaslon141@mail.ru
Kazan, Russia

A S Shikov

Kazan state medical university

Author for correspondence.
Email: muhaslon141@mail.ru
Kazan, Russia


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© 2017 Yakupov E.Z., Shikov A.S.

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