Liver condition in patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis

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When comparing the functional and morphological parameters of the liver in patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis in 64%, a discrepancy was found between the data of biochemical blood tests and the severity of diffuse organ damage. The results of morphometric analysis, indicating a change in the histophysiological parameters of the liver, also did not have the corresponding functional criteria. In order to improve the diagnosis and therapy of gallstone disease, it is recommended to supplement clinical and laboratory studies with an intravital morphological study of the liver.

About the authors

V. A. Kuznetsov

Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute. S. V. Kurashova; Pathomorphology Laboratory of Kazan Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics M3 RSFSR

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

G. M. Kharin

Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute. S. V. Kurashova; Pathomorphology Laboratory of Kazan Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics M3 RSFSR

Russian Federation

R. K. Dzhordzhikiya

Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute. S. V. Kurashova; Pathomorphology Laboratory of Kazan Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics M3 RSFSR

Russian Federation

G. B. Starostin

Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute. S. V. Kurashova; Pathomorphology Laboratory of Kazan Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics M3 RSFSR

Russian Federation


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© 1982 Kuznetsov V.A., Kharin G.M., Dzhordzhikiya R.K., Starostin G.B.

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