Characteristics of oxygen carriers in modern blood substitutes

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Intraoperative and posttraumatic blood loss can be compensated by the introduction of crystalloid and colloid solutions. Blood transfusion is an effective method, but has several disadvantages: it may cause severe hemolytic reactions, infections and immune disorders. Blood substitutes based on oxygen-carrying molecules can solve most of these problems. The search for alternatives to donor blood and its preparations has continued for a long time, but only at this stage a few of the oxygen carriers have reached the phase of clinical trials. Artificial oxygen carriers are pharmacological agents used to improve oxygen delivery, regardless of the functions of erythrocytes, which perform solely a transport function of oxygen delivery. In this article, the authors have tried to reflect the current stage in the development, implementation and usage of oxygen carriers.

About the authors

N V Shevchenko

354th District Military Clinical Hospital, Russia


S N Khudyakov

354th District Military Clinical Hospital, Russia

A A Zyryanov

354th District Military Clinical Hospital, Russia

D A Pyrenkov

354th District Military Clinical Hospital, Russia


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© 2012 Shevchenko N.V., Khudyakov S.N., Zyryanov A.A., Pyrenkov D.A.

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