On the prevention of occupational infection of health care workers with bloodborne pathogens

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Medical personnel of health care institutions are a group of occupational risk for infectious diseases. The aim of the present study was to draw attention of the medical personnel to the relevance of preventing nosocomial infection by bloodborne pathogens while performing professional duties. According to the blood service of the Central Military District among the donor-servicemen for the past 5 years the proportion of carriers of hepatitis B viral markers reached 7.9%, of hepatitis C - 8.0%, HIV - 1.7%. Presented in detail were the precautions while conducting invasive procedures and other manipulations with medical products, which are contaminated with biological fluids, discussed were the requirements of the sanitary legislation on this issue. The basic principle of prevention of occupational infection is compliance with the rules of sanitation and anti-epidemic regimen while providing service to any patient.

About the authors

Yu P Glotov

354th District Military Clinical Hospital, Russia

Email: yurii-glotov@mail.ru


© 2012 Glotov Y.P.

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