Methodological justification of preparing medical workers of medical and preventive treatment institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan for providing medical care in the event of occurrence of centers of mass sanitary losses

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Aim. To optimize the training of medical personnel for providing emergency medical care to the general public. Methods. Socio-hygienic, statistical and experimental. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted among 450 medical doctors and 136 members of the nursing personnel in order to determine the subjective level of knowledge in the field of organizing medical evacuation procedures in the centers of mass sanitary losses. Conducted was an initial testing of 108 doctors and 106 members of the nursing personnel in order to objectively assess their level of knowledge followed by a final post-training test. A new technology for training health professionals has been developed and recommended for inclusion into the program of medical postgraduate education. Results. If the doctors prior to training had the level of preparedness to provide first medical care in centers of sanitary losses of 49.71%, then after training, this figure increased to 75.38% (p <0.001). Among the nursing staff the level of preparedness prior to training did not exceed 51.88% of the cases, while after the training it reached 74.28% (p <0.001). Thus, after training according to the proposed methodology the level of knowledge in organizing medical care to the affected casualties in centers of sanitary losses at the pre-hospital stage increased by 47.89% (p <0.001 for t=12.19). The survey of health professionals showed that 97.2% of health workers gave a positive evaluation of our proposed method of training. Conclusion. The proposed technology makes it possible to increase the level of training of medical personnel in organizing and delivering health care.

About the authors

N N Apechkin

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


A N Galiullin

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

E G Nureyeva

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


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© 2012 Apechkin N.N., Galiullin A.N., Nureyeva E.G.

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