Study of contact correction of vision among medical students

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Aim. To study the hygienic and medical aspects of refractive error correction in medical students. Methods. Ophthalmic examination and questionnaire poll of 80 5-year students of Kazan State Medical University diagnosed with myopia and using the contacts. The questionnaires included questions about the type of contacts, wear schedule, usage and care rules, adverse effects and complications, reasons for drop off. Results. Different myopia degree (low - 46%, medium - 51%, high - 3%) was diagnosed in the observed students. The term of contacts use differed from 6 months to 5 years, in 57% of students the term was over 3 years. Soft lenses (hydrogels - 40%, silicone hydrogels - 57%) were preferred with only 3% of students using rigid lenses. Students have often chosen lenses by themselves (49%). It was found out that 60% of students examined did not comply with terms of use, over 60% of students examined did not comply with hygienic regulations while wearing contacts. In 67% of cases the following eye disorders were diagnosed at examination: chronic conjunctivitis - in 32% of cases, initial stage of keratoconjunctivitis sicca - in 27% of cases, allergic conjunctivitis - in 8% of cases. Conclusion. The examination conducted and impairments diagnosed in students using the contacts have shown low level of education and neglecting basic hygienic rules for use of contacts, that requires the developing of novel educational programs for young people with refractive error.

About the authors

A M Nugumanova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


G H Khamitova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

A N Samoilov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


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© 2012 Nugumanova A.M., Khamitova G.H., Samoilov A.N.

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