Role of selenium in development of tumors

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Aim. To investigate the possible relationship between content of selenium in environmental objects (soil and foods) and prevalence of tumors in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Methods. Atomic absorption spectroscopy was used for quantitative determination of selenium in soil of some economical regions of the country and in foods of every day’s local diet that are the natural nutritional sources of selenium. Serum selenium level in patients with tumors was assessed using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Results. Soil and food analysis revealed low contents of selenium in them. Difference in selenium concentrations in soils from studied economic regions and in food products farmed in these regions was discovered. The serum selenium level of patients with malignancies was 37.3 μg/l (38.6 μg/l - females, 34.3 μg/l - males). There was a reverse relationship found between selenium concentrations in soils and food of the region and prevalence of tumors, as well as with serum selenium level in patients with tumors and tumor stage and malignant potential. Conclusion. The territory of Azerbaijan Republic may be considered as the region with selenium deficiency. Our research supposes that selenium deficiency can be associated with increased prevalence of malignancies in the region.

About the authors

S V Nagieva

Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan



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© 2012 Nagieva S.V.

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