Analysis of mortality in patients with stroke according to data of Republican hospital №1 (Tyva Republic)

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Aim. To study the change in overall mortality in in-patients with stroke admitted to the department of neurology from 2010 to 2012. Methods. The analysis of the overall mortality in in-patients with stroke admitted to the department of neurology of Republican Hospital №1 was performed using the statistical data from 2010 to 2012. Results. In 2012 overall mortality from stroke has increased by 4.59% compared to 2011. Among the patients who died of stroke in 2012, patients with cerebral hemorrhage dominated over the patient with ischemic stroke. 14% of patients succumbed within first 24 hours, which can be explained by a severe condition of admitted patients. Arterial hypertension, alone and in combination with cerebral atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus, was the most often concomitant condition in patients who died of stroke at the department of neurology. The reasons for death in patients with cerebral hemorrhage were cerebral edema associated with brain herniation, progression to intraventricular hemorrhage and brainstem hemorrhage. The reason for death in patients with ischemic stroke was recurrent cerebral infarction. There was 1 case of concomitant myocardial infarction in a patient with cerebral hemorrhage. Conclusion. The number of patients who has died of stroke - 200, an autopsy was performed in 81%; the highest mortality was observed in patients aged 51-60 years, the lowest - in patients aged 18 to 30 years (1.5%). Discrepancy between clinical and postmortem diagnosis was observed in 2 cases.

About the authors

Kh D Mongush

Scientific and Research Institution of Medical and Social Problems and Management of Ministry of Health and Social Development, Kyzyl, Russia


A B Ondar

Scientific and Research Institution of Medical and Social Problems and Management of Ministry of Health and Social Development, Kyzyl, Russia

R Ch Chylbak-ool

Scientific and Research Institution of Medical and Social Problems and Management of Ministry of Health and Social Development, Kyzyl, Russia

L Y Kuular

Scientific and Research Institution of Medical and Social Problems and Management of Ministry of Health and Social Development, Kyzyl, Russia

M B Balchir

Scientific and Research Institution of Medical and Social Problems and Management of Ministry of Health and Social Development, Kyzyl, Russia

T S Anay-ool

Scientific and Research Institution of Medical and Social Problems and Management of Ministry of Health and Social Development, Kyzyl, Russia


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© 2013 Mongush K.D., Ondar A.B., Chylbak-ool R.C., Kuular L.Y., Balchir M.B., Anay-ool T.S.

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