Comparative analysis of ceruloplasmin level in biological fluids at herpes infection

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Aim. To compare the levels of ceruloplasmin in tears, saliva and blood serum of patients with herpetic stomatitis and eye herpes to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Methods. Ceruloplasmin levels were determined in tears, saliva and blood serum of 30 children, 22 adult patients with herpetic keratitis and 27 children with acute herpetic stomatitis. Biological fluids of 62 healthy individuals were used as the control group. Results. In patients with eye herpes infection, сeruloplasmin levels increased in oral fluid and blood serum and markedly decreased in tears of both affected and intact eye. Ceruloplasmin levels in biological fluids normalized only among children with light forms of eye herpes at discharge. In the case of acute herpetic stomatitis, ceruloplasmin levels increased in oral fluid and blood serum, depending on the severity of the disease. After the treatment, ceruloplasmin levels in tears, oral fluid and blood plasma normalized only in children with dendritic ulcer (herpes epithelial keratitis), while in adult patients with chronic relapsing eye herpes and in children with highly invasive eye herpes ceruloplasmin levels did not normalize. Conclusion. In the case of infection detected multidirectional ceruloplasmin levels in tears, oral fluids and blood serum changes were found in patients with herpes. Ceruloplasmin level decreased in tears, and increased in blood serum and oral fluid.

About the authors

N A Terekhina

Perm State Medical Academy, Perm, Russia


S E Reuk

Perm State Medical Academy, Perm, Russia

T I Atamanova

Perm Children’s Clinical Hospital № 15, Perm, Russia


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© 2013 Terekhina N.A., Reuk S.E., Atamanova T.I.

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