Psychological reserves of patients with laryngeal cancer

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Aim. To reveal the psychological features of the patients, suffering from laryngeal cancer depending of surgical treatment type and extent. Methods. 109 patients of the clinical oncological hospital were included. The first group included 88 patients who underwent surgery: larynx resection - 35 patients, laryngectomy - 40 patients, and 13 patients in whom voice rehabilitation by imposing a shunt between a trachea and a gullet and vocal prosthesis introduction were performed. The second group included patients of radiological department who have refused surgery (21 patients) and were receiving radical gamma-knife radiotherapy. The psychological techniques were applied to assess the types of reaction to illness and intensity of psychopathological symptoms. Results. The psychological traits of patients in whom a tracheaesophagal shunt was formed, can describe them as socially adapted, patient with low anxiety level. Due to vocal prosthesis they can communicate, that is resulted in features of their behavior. Among compared groups, there were statistically significant differences in the extent of «projection» psychological protection mechanism and the degree of phobic disorders. Conclusion. It is necessary to create a rehabilitation complex for psychological rehabilitation of patients with laryngeal cancer. Further studies will help to understand, why they refuse surgery and to help them to complete a correct apprehension of illness basing on true data about their disease.

About the authors

K S Moiseeva

Yaroslavl State Medical Academy, Yaroslavl, Russia



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