Functional status of neutrophils during carbon tetrachloride intoxication in rats

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Aim. To study the damaging effect of acute carbon tetrachloride intoxication on the functional status of neutrophils in an experiment. Methods. The experiments were performed on 90 non-inbred white rats weighing 200-220 g; two groups were identified - experimental group and control group (45 animals in each). Carbon tetrachloride was administered intragastrically to the experimental group (1.25 ml/kg 50% solution in olive oil) for the duration of four days. Determined were the number of leukocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, the intensity of the oxygen-dependent metabolism (through spontaneous and induced nitro blue tetrazolium test), the absorption and antimicrobial activity, the content of myeloperoxidase and cationic proteins in neutrophils. The results were recorded on the 7th, 14th and 28th day from the end of the toxicant administration. Results. On the 7th day in rats of the experimental group leukopenia was registered in the form of reduction in the number of lymphocytes, the inactivation index decreased, which was confirmed by reduction of the number of myeloperoxidase-positive cells and of the mean cytochemical coefficient; noted was a decrease in the absorptive capacity of neutrophils. On the 14th day leukopenia persisted, which was now in the form of an even decrease in the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes; with the continued decrease in the phagocytic index an increase in the number of cells involved in phagocytosis was registered. By the 28th day the number of lymphocytes increased in the presence of neutropenia; the decrease in the number of myeloperoxidase-positive cells and of the mean cytochemical coefficient in the myeloperoxidase system, reduction of the indices of the induced test with nitro blue tetrazolium and of the proportion of cells positive for cationic proteins persisted. Conclusion. Acute intoxication with carbon tetrachloride leads to profound dysfunction of neutrophils (leukopenia, decreased absorption and microbicidal activity of neutrophils, reduced myeloperoxidase activity and the content of cationic proteins), which is not eliminated by the 28th day of observation.

About the authors

E K Alekhin

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

L F Mufazalova

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia


N A Mufazalova

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia


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© 2012 Alekhin E.K., Mufazalova L.F., Mufazalova N.A.

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