Features for the autonomic balance during tuberculin diagnosis in accordance with the mantoux method and using the skin prick test

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Aim. To evaluate the dynamics of the autonomic balance in children during tuberculin diagnosis (Mantoux test and skin prick test) by investigating the heart rate variability. Methods. In 30 children (14 boys and 16 girls) aged 7.5±0.54 years the parameters of heart rate variability were recorded before and during the Mantoux test and skin prick test. Results. The comparative analysis of the used diagnostic techniques revealed advantages of the prick test method: during the diagnostic testing procedure with the skin prick test the increase in the heart rate of all children was less by 53%, sympathetic activation of the regulation of cardiac activity according to the NN50 parameter (number of pairs of cardiac intervals, differing from the neighbouring ones by more than 50 ms) was lees by 35%, the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic tone was less by 32 and 15% compared to such during the Mantoux test. The index of tension of the regulatory systems during the skin prick test was 25% less than during the normal tuberculin test carried out with a syringe. Conclusion. During the performance of the skin prick test a general tendency of preservation of the vagal influence on the cardiac function in children was revealed in contrast to the Mantoux test; the technique of injecting tuberculin using the skin prick test is associated with development of less emotional stress in children.

About the authors

E A Borodulina

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

Email: borodulinbe@yandex.ru

O S Kozlova

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

Yu P Seredina

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

V V Korolev

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

V F Pyatin

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia

E A Amosova

Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia


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© 2012 Borodulina E.A., Kozlova O.S., Seredina Y.P., Korolev V.V., Pyatin V.F., Amosova E.A.

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