Assessment of glaucoma morbidity in Irkutsk region

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Aim. To study the changes of glaucoma prevalence from 1992 to 2012 and to define the main epidemiologic trends by statistical analysis. Methods. Considering the fact that 80% of patients with glaucoma who live in Irkutsk Region, undergo primary deep examination in the Interbranch Scientific and Research Complex «Eye Microsurgery» named after S.N. Fedorov, the gained data were extrapolated on the epidemiological situation in the region at whole. The analysis of 300 000 medical charts of patients who were diagnosed with glaucoma and attended the Irkutsk branch of Interbranch Scientific and Research Complex «Eye Microsurgery» named after S.N. Fedorov from 1992 to 2012 were analyzed, with the morbidity level assessment according to the following criteria: form and stage of glaucoma, gender, age, patients’ place of residence. The data were processed using regression analysis and analysis of variance. Results. The increase in glaucoma morbidity from 45.2 to 140.6 on 1000 examined patients, mainly affecting women, was revealed. A better detection of glaucoma on preclinical stages was noted. At the same time, the detection rate of glaucoma at advanced stages remains stable. Four periods, in which the prevalence growth significantly exceeds the predicted results, were determined. These periods corresponded to the introduction of new diagnostic technologies, conducting management measures, and change in staff of ophthalmologists. Conclusion. The obtained statistical results allow analyzing and estimating the epidemiologic situation on glaucoma, identifying the main trends of its development, getting prognostic models for key epidemiological indicators and can be used in prediction of the basic epidemiological trends.

About the authors

A S Grishchuk

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Irkutsk, Russia; Interbranch Scientific and Research Complex «Eye Microsurgery» named after S.N. Fedorov, Irkutsk, Russia


T N Yuryeva

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Irkutsk, Russia; Interbranch Scientific and Research Complex «Eye Microsurgery» named after S.N. Fedorov, Irkutsk, Russia; Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia

A G Shchuko

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Irkutsk, Russia; Interbranch Scientific and Research Complex «Eye Microsurgery» named after S.N. Fedorov, Irkutsk, Russia; Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia

E D Savilov

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Irkutsk, Russia

I M Mikhalevich

Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Irkutsk, Russia

O I Mikova

Interbranch Scientific and Research Complex «Eye Microsurgery» named after S.N. Fedorov, Irkutsk, Russia


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© 2013 Grishchuk A.S., Yuryeva T.N., Shchuko A.G., Savilov E.D., Mikhalevich I.M., Mikova O.I.

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