Studying the processes of free-radical oxidation in patients with purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues

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Aim. To study the effects of combined dressings on the processes of free radical oxidation in patients with purulent wounds.

Methods. The performance of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence of whole blood from 30 healthy donors and 122 patients with purulent wounds, as well as tissue chemiluminescence of festering wounds tissue homogenates were examined before and after the treatment. To assess the free radical oxidation in vitro, spontaneous and zymosan-induced whole blood chemiluminescence measurement, iron-induced chemiluminescence assessment of festering wounds tissue homogenates were performed. The distribution of chemiluminescence parameters compared to normal expected distribution was analyzed to group homogeneity on these criteria.

Results. Group of donors was homogeneous in composition that allowed the calculation of mean values. By changing in whole blood chemiluminescence of patients with soft tissue festering wounds, they were allocated to two groups, in which a marked increase or decline of the investigated parameters was seen. Increased luminol-dependent blood chemiluminescence indicates excessive free radicals generation by phagocytes and is characteristic of acute inflammation. Decreased intensity of chemiluminescence was observed in the blood of patients who showed reduced functional activity of phagocytes, which, together with the clinical features indicate a long-term smoldering inflammation. The comparative assessment of «Poliderm», «Voskopran», «Polysorb», «Levomekol» medications, used for local treatment of suppurative wounds, influence on free radical oxidation in model systems in vitro, was performed.

Conclusion. There is a triple increase in chemiluminescence intensity in the acute phase of the inflammatory process, marking increased production of reactive oxygen radicals with microbicide activity); in long-term smoldering processes, chemiluminescence decreases by half, indicating reduced efficiency of protective mechanisms

About the authors

T Z Zakiev

Medical and sanitary unit of JSC «Tatneft» and the city of Almetyevsk, Almetyevsk, Russia

Author for correspondence.

S R Tuysin

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia


O V Galimov

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia


A R Gil’fanov

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia


R D Sagdeev

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia



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© 2015 Zakiev T.Z., Tuysin S.R., Galimov O.V., Gil’fanov A.R., Sagdeev R.D.

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