Association between the systolic arterial blood pressure level and inter-arm asymmetry

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Aim. To determine the association between the systolic arterial blood pressure level and the inter-arm asymmetry measurements in healthy individuals. Methods. 580 healthy volunteers aged 20 to 60 years (401 females, 179 males) were included in the study. Arterial blood pressure was measured in both left and right wrists using an automatic blood pressure sensor with the detector of hand position in a quiet, comfortable environment. Depending on the systolic arterial blood pressure level on the left arm, subjects were distributed to 5 groups: the 1st - blood pressure of 99 mm Hg and lower; 2nd - 100-119; 3rd - 120-129; 4th - 130-139; 5th -140 and over. Each group were further subdivided to 3 subgroups depending on the inter-arm blood pressure level asymmetry (difference of blood pressure levels on both arms): 1st - symmetry, 2nd - acceptable asymmetry (not exceeding 15 mm Hg), 3rd - abnormal asymmetry (16 mm Hg and over). Results. The major part of the examined subjects had systolic arterial blood pressure level between 100 and 119 mm Hg, systolic blood pressure below 99 mm Hg was registered more rarely. Among 580 examined subjects, abnormal asymmetry was more frequently seen in patients with blood pressure below 99 mm Hg and exceeding 140 mm Hg, the lowest frewuency was in the group with blood pressure between 120 and 129 mm Hg. The right arm was the dominating arm for the asymmetry in subjects with blood pressure below 119 mm Hg, in other cases the dominating arm was not determined. Conclusion. The study demonstrates the presence of vascular inter-arm asymmetry in systolic blood pressure in individuals who perceive themselves as healthy. Inter-arm asymmetry depended on the level of systolic arterial blood pressure.

About the authors

P I Petrov

Bashkir State Medical University. Ufa, Russia



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© 2014 Petrov P.I.

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