卷 11, 编号 5 (1897)


Towards the doctrine of the retention and augmentation of the placenta

Massen V.


Childbirth is a pure physiological act, which in the vast majority of cases nature brings to the end with its own efforts. The role of an obstetrician should only be to observe the wise actions of nature, and occasionally to help her in cases where childbirth takes an unnatural course that threatens the life of the mother or fetus. Our help, aimed at preserving these two lives, must be strictly justified, deeply thought out, decisive and quick. It seems that nowhere is the classical admonition so appropriate: "priusquam incipias consulto et ubi consulueris, —maturo facto opus est."

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):487-513
pages 487-513 views

On the modern view of the essence and therapy of retroversion-retroflection of the uterus

Feinberg B.


The question of therapy for the above suffering of the female genital area has long been occupied by gynecologists, but since the publication of the new operational manual, almost simultaneously proposed by both Dührssen and Mackenrodt (1892), it received a new impetus and became the subject of widespread discussion and controversy. unfortunately, only not always objective. The debate in the Berlin Gynecological Society and the discussion of the issue of interest to us at the congresses in Geneva and Frankfurt am Main (1896) also had the same imprint in the corresponding publications in the gynecological press. But not only the therapy of the said suffering, and its very essence, was subjected to a lively exchange of views, at which opinions were expressed sharply contradicting each other.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):514-543
pages 514-543 views

A case of exfoliation of the submucous uterine myoma. Perforation of the wall of the uterus. Excision of the uterus with a keliotomy. Recovery

Rosenthal Y.


October 28, 1896 arrived at the hospital, sent to me by Dr. Isserson from Bialystok, a resident of the same city, married NM, 40 years old, dark-brown, short, anemic, pale, poorly fed; gave birth 12 times, the last - 2 years ago. Monthly after childbirth appeared in her every 4 weeks, abundant; the last two months - bleeding associated with persistent pain. Examination revealed a tumor, the size of the head of a newborn child, filling the entire lumen of the vagina, with a surface covered with a gray-yellow bloom. In its upper part, the tumor is narrowed and enclosed by the pharynx and cervix. The protruding finger easily passes between the anterior lip of the uterus and the tumor into the uterine cavity and palpates the continuation of the tumor, which constitutes its leg, 3-4 fingers thick, emerging with a wide base from the posterior wall of the uterus. The posterior lip of the uterine pharynx is fused with the tumor. The uterus itself is enlarged and mobile.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):544-551
pages 544-551 views

Three cases of serotherapy for postpartum septic diseases

Arkhangelskiy P.


The question of the use of serotherapy in postpartum septic diseases arose relatively recently and is still far from its final decision. It has been almost two years since Marmorek, at a meeting of the Biological Society of Paris (February 23rd, 1895), first reported that he had succeeded in obtaining an anti-streptococcal serum, and Charrin and Roger, at the same meeting, reported that the anti-streptococcal serum they had received they have already managed to cure two cases of childbirth fever; but so far, relatively few observations have been published on this score, and even those are extremely contradictory, and this proves that not a small amount of new research is required to correctly solve the question of interest to us.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):552-566
pages 552-566 views

Medical report of the obstetric department of the clinic prof. K.F.Slaviansky for 1893

Surovtsev Z.


To narrow basins, following the example of previous reports from our clinic, we include those basins, Conj. ext. which are less than 18 centimeters and from cans with conj. ext. — 18 centimeters those where narrowing of other sizes, or anamnesis, or deviations from the usual mechanism of childbirth made it possible to suspect an irregularity in the device of the pelvis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):567-600
pages 567-600 views


Ott D.


20 members were present: Beckman, Bukhtab, Vasten, Dranitsyn, Zabolotsky, Kakushkin, Lichkus, Massen, Misevich, Shotrovich, Poroshin, Porshnyakov, Bachinsky, Rutkovsky, Savchenko, Stravinsky, Stroganov, Ulezko-Stroganova, A.R. Fischer, Eberman and 19 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):601-607
pages 601-607 views

Two cases of gluttony at the Vladivostok Marine Hospital with a favorable outcome

Cheremshanskiy A.


Ovariotomia duplex cum amputatione uteri supravaginale and ovariotomia simplex sinistra are described here.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):608
pages 608 views

Eight gluttonies for tumors of the uterus and its appendages

Sobestiansky E.


Operations were performed on the following cases.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):608
pages 608 views

Removal of the uterus through the vagina with the replacement of ligatures with hemostatic tweezers

Sobestiansky E.


Having described the methods of removing the uterus through the vagina using tweezers and pointing out the advantages of tweezers over ligatures (simplicity, speed and easier operation technique: the postoperative period is shorter) and their disadvantages (the possibility of bleeding after removing the tweezers, bedsores on the peritoneal lining of the intestines and in the vagina), author proceeds to describe his case of canceris colli uteri, where he produced extirpatio uteri per vaginam in the manner of Péan-Doyen.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):609
pages 609 views

The case of a conservative caesar section

Avtandilov M.


From the side of the spinal ridge, kyphoscoliosis was ascertained. Pelvis sizes: 31, 31, 32, 16, 9, conj. vera 6 1/2—7 centimeters. Here one could mean symphysiotomy, perforation or Caesar section.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):609
pages 609 views

Ten gluttonies I performed in the Gynecological Department of the Tambov Provincial Zemstvo Hospital in the second half of 1895

Olenin S.


The indications for these operations were: complete prolapse of the uterus, uterine fibroids, salpyngitis hypertrophica dextra cum retroversione uteri fixata, neoplasm of the bladder and neoplasm of the ovaries.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):610
pages 610 views

On the use of formalin in obstetrics

Olenin S.


Recently, in the maternity ward of the Tambov provincial zemstvo hospital, the author began to use, instead of mercuric chloride, formalin with a strength of 1: 1000 and 1: 500 proposed for obstetric practice by Winkel for washing the external genital organs and disinfecting the vagina in women in labor and postpartum women, as well as for disinfecting the hands of the caregiver staff.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):610
pages 610 views

Application of hypnotic suggestion in one case of childbirth

Khovrin A.


The patient suffered from hysteroepilepsy. The use of metal therapy together with suggestion significantly improved the patient's condition; then the patient became pregnant.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):610-611
pages 610-611 views

A case of primary tuberculosis of the internal genital organs in a woman

Rachinskiy N.


The author describes a case where a postmortem autopsy of one woman found a tuberculous lesion of the uterus, tubes, ovaries, pleura, liver, peritoneum, mesenteric glands and lungs.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):611
pages 611 views

On the treatment of uterine cancer and erosions of the vaginal part with a warthog extract

Shirshov D.


       Noting cases from Russian and foreign literature about the use of warthogs in uterine cancers and pointing out the contradictory results of the above observations, the author describes his case of canceris canalis cervicalis with infiltration of both lateral arches.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):611-612
pages 611-612 views

Outpatient use of gynecological massage

Burlak V.


The article presents a short compilation of some monographs on gynecological massage.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):612
pages 612 views

A case of corporis alieni vaginae

Berezkin O.


The case concerns a 15-year-old girl who was admitted to the hospital with a complaint of pain in her left leg and lower abdomen.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):612
pages 612 views

A case of intrauterine infection of the fetus with typhoid bacilli

Kelly V.


A typhoid patient had a miscarriage of twins, dead.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):612-613
pages 612-613 views

Three cases of non-operated uterine cancer under the influence of celandine treatment

Musatov N.


Three patients with a cancerous lesion of the uterus were injected every other day and less often injections of celandine extract solution into the affected areas, tamponation with an extract solution, sometimes celandine was given inside.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):613
pages 613 views

A case of dotsiduoma that developed after bladder drift

Yurasovsky I.


Preceding the literature on the deciduoma, the author describes his case.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):613-614
pages 613-614 views

On the casuistry of the Caesar section with narrow basins

Shirshov D.


The case described here concerns a 34-year-old woman who gave birth 6 times, now full-term, now premature, now living, now dead babies, now with medical help, now without her.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):614
pages 614 views

Several observations on the action of the extract of a warthog (chelidonii majoris) in cancer of the vaginal part of the uterus

Kelber M.


In 4 patients with cooperative uterine cancers, warthog extract was used daily, or every other day in the form of injections (on average, each patient received at least 15 injections); in addition, in all patients, the warthog was used internally and in the form of tampons.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):615
pages 615 views

Uterine mirror for “notorious syphilitics”

Aristov A.


In order to avoid when examining and examining healthy subjects of all kinds of mirrors (uterine, rectal, nasal, ear, for the urethra), which are also used in syphilitis, the author proposes to introduce into general use for the notorious syphilitis special mirrors, which could never be anywhere miscible and which could be quickly and unmistakably distinguished from others like him through sight and touch.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):615-616
pages 615-616 views

On the Question of Solid Tumors in the Children's Place

Orlov V.


From the literature data presented here (Virchow, Hildebrandt, Hÿrtl, Storch, Breus, Lazarevich, Kramer, Ackermann, Steinbüchel, Merttens), it is clear that all the tumors of the children's place described so far, differing in the details of the structure, had the same thing in all connective tissue predominated to a greater or lesser extent.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(5):616
pages 616 views
