卷 12, 编号 11 (1898)


About the pathogenesis of eclampsia


The question of the origin of eclampsia belongs to the most difficult, the most difficult in the field of human pathology. Hundreds of studies have been devoted to him in the course of the last century, the most outstanding scientists took part in his destruction, but to this day he remains covered with the darkness of obscurity.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1243-1355
pages 1243-1355 views

On the question of rural midwives

Vazhnov V.


It must be admitted that the prof. Otm the question of giving help to village women in labor is of paramount importance. Who else, if not us, the doctors of the village and the zemstvo, is closest to feeling this side of our activity? Can we, with indifference, look at the fact that the government of the zemstvo has already given so much to the people in different aspects of his life, in this relationship have brought him very little practical benefit? Before our eyes, Zemskaya Rossiya was covered with a dense network of medical districts and hospitals; from year to year, the number of people seeking help from doctors is increasing, the number of people being treated in hospitals is the same, operational assistance to the population in the village is growing; in many places the population itself solicits for the invitation of doctors, sometimes keeps them at its own expense; in uzdakh, even such a discipline begins to take root, which is required by school sanitary and sanitary in general, and between them the obstetric help to the population does not move, although, without any doubt, the zemstvo would not spare money if it developed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1356-1371
pages 1356-1371 views

Report of the Obstetric clinic of the Imperial University of St. Vladimir for 1894-1897.

Abuladze D.


The proposed report covers the activities of the obstetric department of our clinic for 3 academic years, namely, from the autumn half of 1894 to the spring of 189, inclusively, which ends in the 53rd year of the foundation of the clinic.
The number of admissions, which for the first time reached, over 50 years of the existence of the clinic, up to 250 only in 93 - 94 acad, year, as can be seen from the attached table I, for the next 3 years (reference time) is already the norm, after which, with 15 beds available in the orders of the obstetric department, to regret, apparently, it is impossible to go, in which we have been convinced in the last 2 years in practice, because we had to refuse almost every day 1-2 women in labor.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1372-1391
pages 1372-1391 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. 7

Board E.


Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. 7
Protocol No. 7. Meeting on October 8, 1898. Chaired by D. 0. Ott.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1390-1401
pages 1390-1401 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. VI

Board E.


Protocol No. VI. Administrative arrest on October 8, 1898. Chaired by D. 0. Ott.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1402-1403
pages 1402-1403 views

About preliminary and final hemostasis in case of uterine prolapse

Board E.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: Russian.
Modlinskiy. — About preliminary and final hemostasis in case of uterine dissection .— ("Medical Review", 1898, August).
If, to remove the uterus through the vagina, a method is used by which they seek to remove the fundus of the uterus through the anterior fornix without lumping or eating it, then there is no need for preliminary hemostasis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1404
pages 1404 views

K casuistic foreign tѣl of the vagina

Board E.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: Russian.
Sobustianskiy. - To casuistic foreign bodies of the vagina. - ("Protocol of the meeting of the Caucasian society". 1898, No. 2).
In an old woman with fetid purulent secretions, the author found a hard body in the vagina, in shape and size similar to a flattened orange.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1404
pages 1404 views

Dermoid Cyst Case

Board E.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: Russian.
Sobustianskiy. — A case of a dermoid cyst .— (Protocol of the Caucasian Society, 1898, No. 2).
The author describes a case where he removed two tumors in an 18-year-old woman: a small dermoid cyst of the right testicle with hair and teeth and another, cancerous-degenerated cyst of the left ovary.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1405
pages 1405 views

A case of the haematometr's of the right horn of a two-horned uterus

Board E.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: Russian.
Rosenthal. — A case of the haematometr'bi of the right horn of a two-horned uterus. ("Weekly", 1898, No. 30).
A 24-year-old patient, suffering from dysmenorrhea, was referred to the author by a friend who performed a preliminary test vaginal puncture of the abdominal tumor in her, and extracted the liquid of the color of black coffee. Upon examination, the patient was found: a small uterus to the left, to the right of it - a round-oval, the size of the head of an annual child, an elastic, mobile tumor, which was connected with the uterus by means of a flat cord.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1405
pages 1405 views

A case of retention of the uterine ring in the vagina

Board E.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: Russian.
Stein. — A case of the uterine ring being detained in the vagina ”.— (" Medical Review ", 1898, August).
The author describes a case in which he had to extract a ring similar to Mayer, made from a wax and covered with crystalline formations; this ring was 6 1/ 3 years in the vagina.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1405-1406
pages 1405-1406 views

On the question of the reasons for the tension in labor with a two-horned uterus

Board E.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: Russian.
Shirshov. — To the question of the reasons for the tension in labor with a two-horned uterus. - ("Doctor", 1898, I? 29).
As is known, there are various explanations for the reasons for the protracted course of labor with a two-legged uterus: for one reason it is the primary weakness of pain, depending on the insufficient development of the uterine muscles; for another reason, this is due to the oblique position of the pregnant uterus, which adversely affects both the position of the baby and the mechanism of childbirth, as well as the forced activity.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1406
pages 1406 views

About the treatment of diseases of the uterine appendages

Board E.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: Russian.
Mikhailov. — About the treatment of diseases of the uterine appendages .— ("Medical Review 41, 1893, August).
Pointing out the ways and causes of the disease of the uterine appendages, as well as their clinical picture, analyzing the methods used for their treatment and rejecting the inconsistency of these methods, the author describes the method he practices, consisting in daily washing of the uterine cavity with warm 1 catheter solution: 2000 Fats and, where necessary, after preliminary expansion of the cervical canal of the uterus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1406-1407
pages 1406-1407 views

Bilateral papillary ovarian cystoma and vaginal cyst

Board E.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: Russian.
Sutkin. — Bilateral papillary ovarian cyst and vaginal cyst-— ("Medical Review", 1898, August).
In a patient with papillary ovarian cysts and vaginal cysts, after removal of the ovarian cysts, the vaginal cyst, the size of a pigeon's egg, was also partially removed, so that the prominent segment of the tumor was captured by the dentate root and scissors of the free stump; a strip of sterilized gauze is inserted into the cyst cavity. When examining the vagina after 3 weeks, on the right side of it, correspondingly to the base of the former cyst, a barely imperceptible ridge is felt, going into the form of a longitudinal ellipsis; the very base of the cyst, which is now part of the vaginal wall, is, when examined, a normal mucous membrane.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1407
pages 1407 views

The volume of eclampsia in clinical relations

Board E.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: Russian.
Mikhnov, -Ob eclampsia in clinical relations, - ("Hospital newspaper", 1898, from 19 to 33 No.).
The material for this work was 23 cases of eclampsia in one of the city maternity hospitals in St. Petersburg. diseases, noting the weaknesses of the theories proposed so far.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1407-1408
pages 1407-1408 views

Two cases of removal of the uterus and appendages according to the Doyen'a method for menopausal bleeding

Board E.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: Russian.
Musatov .—- Two cases of removal of the uterus and appendages according to Doyen’s method for menopausal bleeding .— ("Medical Notes", 1898, No. 11).
Local degeneration of the vessels of the uterus may not be accompanied by a general degeneration of the entire arterial system, so that when examining, nair., The radial artery, arteriosclerosis is not stated; local arteriosclerosis of the uterine arteries can be on the face and cause increased menstrual bleeding.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1408-1409
pages 1408-1409 views

On the question of the course of pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal time in young first-born women

Board E.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: Russian.
Maryanchik. — To the question of the course of pregnancy, childbirth and post-birth time among young first-born women .— ("Doctor", 1898, No. 31).
In a brief preliminary report, the author's conclusions regarding some features of the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period in first-born women at the age of 16 to 20 years are given in the form of 26 provisions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(11):1409
pages 1409 views
