卷 5, 编号 11 (1891)


7 hysteromiomotomies

Krassovskiy A.


In No. 9 of the obstetric and gynecological journal for September 1887, I published 19 cases of supravaginal hysteromiomotomies; from that time to January 1891, I performed 7 more hysteromiomotomies, given below.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(11):873-898
pages 873-898 views

The bacteriology of the uterine cavity in endometritis

Brandt A.


The question of sarcomas of the uterine mucosa, in General, and of lymphosarcomas, in particular, is still quite dark in the field of gynecology.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(11):899-915
pages 899-915 views

Tool for fixing the rubber harness

Ott D.


When a new instrument is proposed for introduction into practice, it is necessary that the new model should present certain advantages over the old ones; in General, a good instrument should not only satisfy its intended purpose, but also should not have any side disadvantages.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(11):916-920
pages 916-920 views

Triplet births complicated by eclampsia

Kakushkin N.


It is widely recognized that pregnancy and delivery of triplets are very rare. Because of this, it is difficult to get an exact figure of their relative frequency, and all the derived ratios of the number of triplet births to the number of all births differ significantly from each other.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(11):921-925
pages 921-925 views

To the casuistry of ectopic pregnancy

Tyshko I.


Domna Kovaleva, cr. Dukhovshchinskiy u., Smolensk province, 39 years old, was admitted on August 25, 1891, complaining of severe pain in the abdomen, especially at the bottom, constant nausea and vomiting, increasing general weakness, dizziness, difficulty urinating.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(11):926-929
pages 926-929 views

To the casuistry of detachments of the baby's head during forcible removal of the prostrate leg

Istomin S.


On February 27, 1891, in the evening, a peasant woman from Myshkinsky district, Ploshchinsky volost, village Gorki, Penila Sh., 32 years old, was taken to the Uglich Zemsky hospital.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(11):929-931
pages 929-931 views

Protocol No. 14. October 3, 1891.

Krassovskiy A.


34 members were present: Vasten, Hermonius, Gorayskiy, Danilovich, Dobradin, Zheltukhin, Zabolotskiy, Zmigrodskiy, Lapin, Lichkus, Lopatinskiy, Massen, Misevich, Neishtube, Ott, Piotrovich, Polotebnov, Popov, Porshnyakov, Savchenko, Salmanov, Slavyanskiy, Smolenskiy, Stelmakhovich, Stravinskiy, Ulrikh, A. Fisher, Frank, Chernevskiy, Chernyshev, Shverdlov, Shtol, Shtolts, Yanpolskiy and 19 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(11):932-935
pages 932-935 views

Protocol No. XVII. Administrative appointment on October 3, 1891

Krassovskiy A.


32 members attended.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(11):936-936
pages 936-936 views

Reports (continued)

Massen V.


Meeting on January 8th. At the suggestion of Dr. P.I. Dobrynin, prof. G.E. Rein, and his comrade, senior doctor of the Ryazan regional hospital, D.S. Shchetkin. Prof. G.E. Rein turned to the section with a speech, in which he thanked for the honorary election. I read the report of Dr. A. I. Zamshin (St. Petersburg). "Bacteriological and experimental research on antiseptic during childbirth and on self-infection."

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(11):937-953
pages 937-953 views
