Influence of a complex of the factors of a radiating catastrophe on a state reproductive health of the women





Some data in an article about learning of influence of a complex of the factors Chernobyl's catastrophe on reproductive health of the women which taking part in liquidations accident, living and evacuated from radioactive-polluted of territories (RPT) are represented of. On the basis of spent researches dependence between effect of the factors of radiating accident and growth of a gynecology and somatic diseases of the women-liquidators and evacuated from RPT in 8 years after accident is detected. A leading place of gynecology pathology in a structure of diseases of the women-liquidators is shown. Significant number of the liquidators (18.7 %) with a central level of a defeat in an endocrine system is detected. Is installed, that the influence of the factors of radiating accident to a female organism is accompanied by creation disbalance in the system immunoregulatory of cells. The women which live in conditions of chronic effect of small of dozes ionizing radiation, develops secondary immunodeficiant a state as violation as cell-like, and humoral of a link of immunity. Creation of an unstable state henom at women-liquidators of consequences of accident, saved on stretch 8-9 years after accident is detected.


V. Bezhenar

Military Medical Academy

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg



2. Fig.1. Dynamics of gynecological morbidity in women liquidators of the Chernobyl accident consequences and residents of St. Petersburg

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3. Fig.2. Forms of menstrual dysfunction in women of reproductive age.

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