1. Two Cases of abdominal Section for intraperitoneal Haemorrhage due to ruptured ectopic gestation 2. Three fatal Cases of ectopic Gestation 3. Ectopic Molar pregnancy 4. A Case of plural ectopic gestation





To the Vorrat l. a woman was brought in a state of collapse with a diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy; pulse 144, barely perceptible. The rupture occurred in 18 hours, there were fainting, vomiting. The abdomen is not distended, soft, the tumor cannot be felt from the outside, and per vaginam examination is not done to speed up the operation. When the abdomen was opened, the tissues were found bloodless: none of the vessels showed blood; a few pounds of liquid blood spilled out of the peritoneal cavity; clamps were placed on the stretched right fallopian tube and broad ligament, and the fallopian tube was excised along with the ovary; the rupture was near the uterus. The operated woman recovered, although W. did not count on it.


M. Ginzburg

Email: info@eco-vector.com


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