A case of anhydrous labor in combination with placenta praevia





The question of the origin of amniotic fluid has occupied and continues to occupy the minds of obstetricians of all times. Some believe that the source of its origin is exclusively the release of the fetus, others - the sweating of serum through the vessels of the umbilical cord; still others declare themselves to be supporters of her maternal origin. V. Gruzdev's article provides an extensive literature on this issue. This issue is of great importance, since in connection with it there is a question about the physiological function of amniotic fluid, which has not yet been resolved and until now. Some authors consider them useless excreta, others - an important and necessary secret for the nutrition of the fetus. At least. Schröder and Horvits emphasize the unsuitability of the indicated liquid as a nutritious material.


V. Vishnepolsky

Email: info@eco-vector.com


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