On the reasons for the wrong positions and turns of the baby during childbirth. (Ethiological meaning of the shortness of the umbilical cord).




Mm. Yy! Over the past time, you have never had to observe during practical work in the Likhachevsky maternity hospital, the difficulty of childbirth, because of the wrong positions or wrong turns of the baby during childbirth. So, you saw the transverse position of the fetus during childbirth, the irregular cranial, cranial with the presentation of the handles of the fetus, requiring the intervention of art for the end of childbirth; they also saw not how the posterior types of cranial positions during childbirth did not go into the anterior, but the birth took place with the back of the fetus facing backward, causing more or less difficulty in childbirth, sometimes also requiring the intervention of art; Finally, you have not seen cases when the presenting head of the fetus during childbirth did not make the proper turns, or made incorrect, sometimes excessive, and in many of these cases you observed a very early appearance of signs of intrauterine asphyxiation of the fetus, which began to be difficult to explain and did not for the salvation of the baby of the immediate end of the delivery by an operative way. Undoubtedly, such cases raised in you first of all the question of why they happened, why they were caused and why they could not have been prevented, were foreseen and would have been normal for the course of labor in such cases. I wish to sort out the ethology of these irregularities in the present section and then give you answers to questions that arise involuntarily.


I. Lvov

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