Seven laparotomies





".... the description of even individual cases of this kind (gluttony) .... is of enormous scientific and practical interest."
("Two wombs", composition, Dr. V. N. Orlov, preface by Prof. A. I. Lebedev, 1893).
At present, laparotomy is often given in clinics and in some large hospitals (for example, there are reports of 200 cases, submitted by Prof. A. I. Lebedev), and about 300 - submitted by prof. G.E. Rein) that the description of seven cases proposed by me may seem completely uninteresting and not important; indeed, the number is not large, but it must be taken into account that these chavos were sent to a small out-of-town regional hospital, in an environment that is completely ordinary for our out-of-town hospitals, inherited from the Order of our Public Service: with labor, even a so-called intelligent person (not to mention a simple peasant woman) decides on any kind of operation, especially one in which it is necessary to open the abdominal cavity - this can be witnessed by any regional doctor!


V. Potenko

Usman Zemskaya Hospital

俄罗斯联邦, Tambov province


版权所有 © Potenko V., 1894

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