A case of congenital absence of eyeballs. (Anophthalmia duplex congenita auctorum)





The congenital absence of eyeballs belongs to the most difficult, but, fortunately, very rare deformities in the development of the eye. People who were born "without eyes" are described by the authors back in the 16th century (Martinus Weinrichius) and others.) In the literature of 30-93 years of the current century, we find a significant number of cases of congenital absence of one or both eyes. Almost all cases related to the literature of this time are described by ophthalmologists and in most cases were observed in fully developed infants or even adult subjects, no deviation from the normal structure of their body in any other relationships that did not represent. In older (before the 30s) literature, we most often find references to anophthalmia congenita as one of the many abnormalities in an ugly fetus.


V. Massen

Email: info@eco-vector.com


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