Elephant transformation of the mammary glands





In view of the extreme rarity of this disease (the author was able to find in the literature only one case of Roussaeux in the Gazette medicale de Paris, 1857), I will cite the history of the disease with a photograph literally: on April 22, a peasant N; 21 years old, medium build, pretty, with delicate white skin, correctly developed. As a child, she did not get sick with special diseases; there are no hereditary diseases or syphilis in the family. Menstruation from 14 years in the correct 3-week terms, 3-5 days. She got married at 20 and soon became pregnant. Gave birth on time 5 months ago. She got sick at the end of pregnancy. At 7 months, I noticed a particular enlargement of the right breast with thickening of the skin near the nipple.


A. Rutkovskiy

Email: info@eco-vector.com


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