Vol 47, No 3-4 (1998)

Current public health problems

The results and prospectives of gynecological endovideosurgery development

Kira E.F., Bezhenar V.F., Berlev I.V.


Authors, on the basis literary given and by the results of researches present the detailed analysis of efficiency and expediency of endovideosurgical methods of diagnostics and treatment in GYN practice. There are considered indications, contra-indication, features of the methodical approaches with use of specified methods under urgent condition and in planned GYN. Prospective directions of development of the new technological approaches in modern operative GYN are also considered.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):8-14
pages 8-14 views

Analisis of marker serum proteins in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal disorders

Kareva I.V., Kascheeva T.K., Vakharlovsky V.G., Kuznetzova T.V., Aylamazian E.K., Baranov V.S.


Comparative retrospective analysis of serum marker proteins (AFP and hHG), ultrasound examinations and fetal karyotypes was carried out in 306 high risk pregnancies of chromosomal anomalies. Peculiarities of pregnansy histories, birth complications and their outcome were considered respektive of maternal serum hHG values registered at 13-21 weeks of gestation.

Statistically significant deviations of maternal serum proteins (MSP) values were registered almost with equal probabilities ih the groups of high risk pregnancies of chromosomal disorders as well as in the women with noncomplicated pregnansy histories (56,7% and 59,3% respectively).

Chromosome abnormalities were registered in 29 out of total 306 fetuses subjected to invasive karyotyping. 11 out 20 women with chromosomally abnormal fetuses revealed substantial deviations of MSP values. All cases of chromosomal abnormalities correlated with maternal age (over 35) and ultrasound markers in the foetuses. Elevated values of hHG in maternal blood correlated with unfavourable pregnansy outcome.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):15-21
pages 15-21 views

Original Research

Laparoscopy assisted minilaparotomy in the present uterine surgery

Savitskiy G.A., Volkov N.N., Ivanova R.D., Gorbushin S.M.


It has been created the new technology of uterine surgery based on laparoscopy assisted suprapubical middle minilaparotomy. This operative method allows to minimize the surgical injure in the cases when laparoscopy itself may be difficult because of some reasons and typical laparotomy is undesirable. The first experience of these operations has shown that using of this technology does allow to decrease intraoperative blood loss considerably, reduce very much postoperative hospital stay of patients in comparison with laparotomy, minimize the necessity of analgetics, optimize the suture of the uterus in myomectomy and diminish the zone of coagulative necrosis of tissues.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Features of pregnancies and labors in women endured acute salpingoophoritis

Novikov E.l., Marchak A.A., Simchera I.A., Chernichenko I.I.


The pregnancies and labors in two groups of women is analysed, who have endured acute salpingoophoritits. The first group of women has received treatment only in the hospital, second group except stationary treatment were conducted with rehabilitation measure in OB clinic and in a sanatorium. At the second group of women the complication of pregnancies like miscarriages and abortions has considerably decreased. Less often they developed hypoxia and needed CS.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):29-32
pages 29-32 views

Potentials of echography in diagnosis of postpartum complications

Timoshenkova S.V., Sysloparov L.A., Rindin V.A., Tatarova N.A.


The results of pelvic echography in postpartum period and after Cesarian sections were analyzed. Echography on the 2,4,5 and 7 days of postpartum period as a screening method of the puerperal of risk groups offers an early diagnosis and adequate management of patients with pyo-inflammatory diseases, are therefore required to reduce these severe forms of complications.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):33-35
pages 33-35 views

Bronchal asthma & pregnancy. Problemes & decisions

Arjanova O.N., Novickov B.N.


The authors present the results of analysis of pregnancy, labor and postpartum complications in 230 women with chronic non-specific pulmonary diseases including bronchial asthma. It was shown that bronchial asthma composes 35% among chronic non-specific pulmonary diseases in pregnant women. The exacerbations of chronic non-specific pulmonary diseases during pregnancy occurred in 53,3% of patients. Gestosis was observed in 83,1 %, threatened abortion - in 20,2% and anemia - in 15,9% of cases. Caesarian section was performed in 18,6% of women. 30,8% of newborn infants had intrauterine infectious diseases.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):36-39
pages 36-39 views

Morphological features of placentas in weight deficient puerperants and their influence on a fetus (Message I)

Dodhoeva M.F., Parusov V.N.


Morphological features of placentas were investigated in practically healthy puerperants (12) and women with weight deficient (19) in a case of urgent delivery. In 30% of placentas in control group pathologic immaturity coupling with dissociated development (40%) were seen, which were, combined with slight involutiv-dystrophic processes (IDP) and maximal realization of compensatory processes in placentas that promotes delivery of healthy neo-nates with normal body weight. In a case of weight deficiency in mothers, significant IDP can be seen together with large amount of immature (63.2%) and dissociated (21%) placentas, suppression of compensatory processes with starting of mechanisms characteristic for embryonal period of development, which promotes delivery of alive neonates but with small for gestational age body weight and high rate of cerebral blood flow disturbances. The listed features are results of the influence of climate-geographical, ecological and social-economic live conditions of women in Tajikistan.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):40-45
pages 40-45 views

The morphological changes in placentas in women with deficit of bodyweight in combination with anemia, pyelonephritis and gestosis (Message II)

Dodhoeva M.F., Parusov V.N.


The morphological features of placenta are investigated in the women with a deficit of body weight in a combination with anemia (22), pyelonephritis (10) and gestosis (9). At specified conditions a significant involutive-dystrophical processes on a background of 100 % поп-ready placentas are accompanied by maximum realization of compensatory reactions, which promoted birth of normal children, but with small weight of a body at urgent labor and high frequency of development in them of brain circulation disturbances.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):46-49
pages 46-49 views

The peculiarity of protein degradation under the pregnancy with gestosis and diabetes

Burmistrov S.O., Kovaleva T.G., Buzurukova P.S., Kosheleva N.G., Arutjunyan A.V.


Some groups of women with normal pregnancy with pregnaizcy aggravated by gestosis and diabetes I and II were examined. The level of middle molecules (MM) and protein peroxidation (PP) were measured in the blood serum. The activity of ceruloplasmin (CP) and oxitocinase (ОС) were evaluated too. The level of MM was measured in the urine. More active processes of protein degradation were shown under normal pregnancy in comparison with unpregnant group. These processes reflect both free radical reaction and proteolitic processes. Activation of proteolisis results in evaluated level of MM. The MM content and PP level were not increased significantly in the group with gestosis. But the elevated activity of ceruloplasmin (on 15%) under gestosis reflects an activation of «oxidative stress» and free radical processes. It was found an increased serum and decreased urine level of MM and in the group of women with complicated diabetes I. The women with diabetes II have shown elevated CP activity (on 14%) too and increased level of PP (on 14%). It was supposed that MM may be a toxic factor witch damage placenta and foetus under diabetes I and II. The free radicals may be a factor which hurt tissue of placenta and foetus under diabetes II.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):50-53
pages 50-53 views

Therapy of lactostasis in puerperants during lactation development period by means of secretion reflexes stimulation and milk removal with "Lactopuls" apparatus

Tikhonova T.K., Yaroslavski V.K., Gaidukov S.N., Alekseev N.P., Ilyin V.l.


Positive effect was obtained in lactostasis therapy with” Lactopulse” apparatus in 58 puerperal women. In all puerperants quick and effective resolution of lactostasis was observed. This method of treatment allowed to preserve lactation function in most women (82,8 %). The method can be used in the conditions of obstetric inpatient department.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):54-56
pages 54-56 views

Therapy of lactostasis in puerperants during lactation development period by means of secretion reflexes stimulation and milk removal with "Lactopuls" apparatus

Tikhonova T.K., Yaroslavski V.K., Gaidukov S.N., Alekseev N.P., Ilyin V.l.


Positive effect was obtained in lactostasis therapy with” Lactopulse” apparatus in 58 puerperal women. In all puerperants quick and effective resolution of lactostasis was observed. This method of treatment allowed to preserve lactation function in most women (82,8 %). The method can be used in the conditions of obstetric inpatient department.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):54-56
pages 54-56 views

Peculiarities of the hormonal status on treatment of the patients with dysfunctional uterine bleeding (dub) during the premenopause with gestagens and combination of estrogen-gestagen preparations

Gumenyuk E.G.


166 patient (average age 44,82±0,40) with dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) during premenopause were followed up. They were found to have hyperplasia of the endometrium of different forms. Hormonal therapy with different preparations (norcolut, orgametril, demulen, oxyprogesteron-capronat) was used. The patients with DUB during the premenopause may have different levels of gonadotropic and steroid hormones both on the background of DUB and during their treatment. These changes depend on a number of causes: age peculiarities, starting condition of hormonal homeostasis and mechanism of therapy action. We came to the conclusion that effectiveness of the treatment had not depended essentially on the patients' age, dynamics of peptid and steroid hormones level and type of the hormonal therapy to be used.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):57-61
pages 57-61 views

The expirience of infrared laser application in manage out of chronical endometrits

Orlova O.O., Mihnina E.A., Dobrotvorceva O.A.


The results of treatment of chronic endometritis in 92 women by vaginal and intrauterine infrared laser irradiation were studied. The diagnosis has been verified by endometrial biopsy. If chronic endometritis is associated with adnexitis, the treatment was begun from vaginal laser irradiation. On the next cycle intrauterine laser therapy was performed.

In 40% of the patient’s pathogenic microflora was revealed, and in these cases the antibacterial therapy have been carried out. All women showed clinical improvement after laser therapy. The control biopsy of endometrium was performed in 23 months after the treatment. In 84,8% women the patterns of inflammation were not revealed. In 8,7% cases have been found residual effects of the inflammation.We suppose the complex vaginal and intrauterine infrared laser therapy combined with antioxydants and gestagenes to be an effective method of treatment of chronic endometritis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):62-64
pages 62-64 views

The course of pregnancy, labor and postnatal stage of adolescent women

Susloparov L.A., Ostrovskaya E.A., Tatarovа N.A., Dudnlchenko T.A.


The course of pregnancy delivery and postnatal stage of 466 adolescent women was analyzed. In fact every young pregnant, woman in childbirth and parturient had different complications: anemia (52 %), late gestosis (40 %), premature labor (32 %), intrauterine hypoxia (11 %) and fetal hypotrophia (7 %). The uterine and perineal ruptures often occurred (24%), abnormalities of labor activity (22 %), obstetric bleedings (17 %). The percentage of the delivery operations is high and the complicated postnatal stage too. The lower rate of the health of the adolescent mothers’ children occurred more often.The biological and psychological immaturity of the adolescent pregnants eyige to place them in the group of high risk in obstetric and perinatal pathology and to give them special recommendations in pregnancy and labor.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):65-68
pages 65-68 views

Bacterial vaginosis and urogenital kandidosis in pregnant women. Treatment with Terginan

Kira E.F., Simchera I.A.


In the article the data on clinical-microbiological researches in pregnant woman is shown. The high frequency of bacterial vaginosis and urogenital candidiasis in all trimesters of pregnancy is shown. For bacterial vaginosis treatment (13) and urogenital candidosis (12) we used local application of the combined terginan preparation in pregnant women in III trimester. The efficiency of its application estimated in 2 weeks after termination of treatment. Is ascertained, that at 84 % of the pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis and urogenital candidiasis positive result is observed. It is recommended to apply terginan for bacterial vaginosis urogenital candidiasis treatment in pregnant women.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):69-73
pages 69-73 views

Application of Ovestin in gynecologic practice in children and teenagers

Bogdanova E.A.


In this article the suggestions for ovestin implication (estriol creme) in children gynecological practice are considered.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):74-75
pages 74-75 views


Transplantation in gynecology

Kira E.F., Bezhenar V.F., Demjanchuk R.V.


Domestic and foreign literature on problems and prospects of transplantology at the last 30 years is analyzed. The scientific and practical preconditions for it development are considered. The main factors, detaining active introduction of transplantology in clinical activity are marked. Are mentioned legal and ethic questions. Problems transplantation immunity and storage donor organs are designated. Necessity of wider study of opportunities female genitale transplantation in experiment and in clinic is justified.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):76-81
pages 76-81 views

Pitocin receptorsand efficiency of labor activity

Abramchenko V.V., Savitsky A.G., Kaplenko O.V.


Pitocin is the most widely used preparation for advance pregnancy interruption. In the review of the literature the modern data is given about a role of pitocin receptors in successful labor induction and amplification of labor activity. There is also given data on the regulation opportunity of pitocin receptors level with estrogens, prostaglandines and their significance in OB practice. This data needs to be taken into account for drugs development to advance the pregnancy interruption.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):82-87
pages 82-87 views


Diagnostics and treatment of climacterical disturbances

Smetnik V.P., Kira E.F., Balan V.P., Zatikyan E.P., Zaidieva Y.Z., Klimenchenko N.I., Ilina E.M., Karelina S.N.


In lecture the urgent aspects of classification, principles of diagnostics and replacement hormonal therapy of therapy and hormonal prophylaxis of climacterical disturbances are considered.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):88-95
pages 88-95 views

A class of preparations «progestagens»

Repina M.A.


In the lecture there are considered questions of synthesis, classification, dosage, pharmacokynetics, and dynamics, indications and contraindications for application of a class of preparations called «progestagens».

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):96-101
pages 96-101 views

Acute abdomen in gynecology of children

Jaroslavsky V.K.


In abstracts there are a considered information about the causes of acute abdomen in gynecology of children. The clinics, diagnostics, tactics of treatment and methods of treatment are considered.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):102-106
pages 102-106 views


Development dependence of human embryo from changes in cosmophysical situation within a year

Moiseeva N.I., Evsukova L.I.


In the article the original sight of the authors on heliophysical aspects of embryogenesis is submitted. The new approaches in perinatal pathology reduction are revealed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):115-117
pages 115-117 views

History page

Georgi Ermolaevitch Rein - academician, architect, Minister of Public Health Services

Tzvelev U.V., Bezhenar V.F., Ruhliada N.N.


«Both the separate citizens, and all community and whole country require of the doctors, whose knowledge, results of their works were not left on the shelfs in libraries, but that they were done by real, common property of mankind, that they were spilled a «wide wave» along the country, bringing in everywhere a simplification of sufferings, reducing lethality and physical inability of the population, including mothers and born generation » ...

G.E. Rein (1912).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):107-112
pages 107-112 views

The historical eradicates of scientific obstetrical and gynecological school in Kazan

Kozlov L.A., Sadykov B.G., Fatkullin L.F.


In the article given, there are described the historical stages of scientific school of Kazan foundation and development. The new approaches for occasions’ estimation are suggested by authors.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):113-114
pages 113-114 views


The clinical importance of blood leucogram in early diagnostics of purulent- inflammatory postoperative complications

Dolgov G.V.


The comparative analysis of changes in adaptational leucocyte reactions of blood and leuco-index of intoxication in reply to surgical stress at 334 women (1-st group) with not complicated current postoperative period and at 133 women with postoperative purulent - inflammatory complications (2-nd group) is carried out. It is established, that the displacement of adaptational reactions of the patients towards the reactions to stress and adverse reactions in a combination with high meanings of leuco-index of intoxication as early, as on the 3-rd day of postoperative period allows to diagnose initial signs of postoperative purulent - inflammatory complications.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):120-122
pages 120-122 views

Principles of intensive therapy for anaerobic nonclostridial infection in oncology

Frantzusov V.N., Shestopalov A.E., Abashin V.G.


In the article there are considered original views of the authors on some principles of intensive therapy for anaerobic nonclostridial infection in oncological patients, complicated with that kind of infection.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(3-4):121-122
pages 121-122 views

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