Vol 12, No 7-8 (1898)


Three cases of a conservative Caesar section

Strauch M.A.


Mrs C., 26 years old, only began walking in the sixth year. As a child, although she did not squeal, she was always a weak child. The first blood appeared at the age of 12 and was always correct; at 19 she got married and immediately got pregnant. After 46 hours of unsuccessful effort, she had a perforation at her educational home, with a high standing head.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):857-868
pages 857-868 views

To extrauterine pregnancy

Thomson G.I.


Extrauterine pregnancy is of great practical and scientific interest. Many questions pertaining to this are still awaiting solution. For a complete elucidation of them, a large clinical, well-monitored, material is needed. In due time I 1) already informed about my observations on this issue; In the present I will allow myself to report on further cases of extrauterine pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):869-888
pages 869-888 views

The causal connection of acute common peritonitis with certain uterine afflictions and its appendages

Rubinstein I.B.


If medical science has found in aseptic and antiseptic a reliable means for preventing puerperal and postoperative peritonitis, then with this brilliant conquest of science our task has not yet been fully exhausted in full, because the female genital sphere concludes, in pathological cases, in itself some condition for the emergence of this terrible suffering. 

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):889-900
pages 889-900 views

Excerpt from the composition of Soran of Ephesus "On women's deseases"

Yanpolsky S.D.


This chapter may have a meaning for our attitude so that we do not work in vain by training (midwife) people who are not suitable for it. A woman who is educated, intelligent, with a good memory, hard-working, modest, with well developed external feelings in general, active, with sticky health; some add that she should also have long and flexible fingers on her hands with well-circumcised nails at the ends.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):901-912
pages 901-912 views

Meetings of obstetrical and gynaecological communities. Protocol No. 4

Board E.


PROTOCOL No. 4 of the Obstetric and Gynecological Communtiy in St. Petersburg, dated April 23rd, 1898, chaired by D.O. Ott.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):913-921
pages 913-921 views

Administrative meeting on 23 April 1898. Protocol No. IV

Board E.


PROTOCOL No. IV of the Obstetric and Gynecological Communtiy in St. Petersburg, dated April 23rd, 1898, chaired by D.O. Ott.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):922-925
pages 922-925 views

Meetings of obstetrical and gynaecological communities. Protocol No. 92

Board E.


PROTOCOL No. 92 of the Obstetric and Gynecological Community in Kiev. Meeting on September 30, 1897. Chaired by prof. G.E. Rein and prof. L.A. Malinovskiy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):926-934
pages 926-934 views

Meetings of obstetrical and gynaecological communities. Protocol No. 93

Board E.


PROTOCOL No. 93 of the Obstetric and Gynecological Community in Kiev. Meeting on October 31, 1897, chaired by Dr. N. K. Neelov.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):935-940
pages 935-940 views

Moscow Gynecological Community

Board E.



Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):941-947
pages 941-947 views

Notes on the Removal trom the Abdomen of a foreign Body introduced through the Uterus

Nyulasy F.А.


A 20-year-old multi-born woman, when a new pregnancy occurred, miscarried herself in the following way. Squatting, she inserted a bone knitting hook into the genitals.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):948-949
pages 948-949 views

А Case of Ectopic gestation

Andrew I.Е.


The interest of this case is in the publication of an unsuccessful, fatal outcome that occurred at the operating table.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):949-949
pages 949-949 views


Ayers E., Соё H.


Ayers has produced 8 symphysaetomies in the last 2 years, 7 of them with beneficial and 1 with lethal outcomes. According to his observations, the symphysisotomy gives a mortality rate of 1% for mothers and twice as high for children; therefore, he prefers premature delivery to pregnancy and favours a choice between that operation and another one for the pregnant woman's relatives.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):949-950
pages 949-950 views

Malignant Adenoma of the Uterus

Ginzburg M.


In connection with Dr Soyo's presentation of the drug for a 40-year-old woman's uterus, Soyo said that the patient, who was perfectly healthy before that, had uterine bleeding the next 8 months and bleeding whites in the intervals.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):950-951
pages 950-951 views

Two Cases of Pregnancy following ventrofixation of the Uterus

Newman А.М.


Dr. Newman observed pregnancy and childbirth in 2 women after the ventrofixatio he had produced; one of them had miscarriages foretold at the 3rd month, but thanks to the accepted measures, the pregnancy was not terminated. Omitting details from the story, I will present the results of this operation in America.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):951-952
pages 951-952 views

Spondylolisthesis, with the Description of a Case

Lovett R.W.


The cases of Spondylolisthesis are very important in the midwifery relationship; since their origin is the same for sick people of both sexes, I also refer to the following case observed in a young person.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):952-953
pages 952-953 views

Cesarean section under Difficulties

Difon A.


The obstacle to childbirth consisted in a tumor that filled the vaults and shrinked the fetus upward; the pharynx was felt high behind the lonnago joint.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):953-954
pages 953-954 views

The Frenquency of controetad pelvis in the Obsterical service of the Johns Hopkins Hospital

Dobbin G.W.


Dobbin, a professor of obstetrics at one of the best American universities, Johns Hopkins, in Baltimore, measured 350 women who gave birth last year at his clinic.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):954-954
pages 954-954 views

The Trendelenburgh position in Tumors of the Pelvis obstructing Labor

Mallet P.


Dr. M. was invited by another doctor to the 1st woman in labor, whose pelvis was filled with a solid tumor, the size of the head of a full-term baby; the pharynx was felt above the pubis, and above the fetal head. The author got the idea to test the Trendelenburg position, that is, to force the tumor to descend into the large pelvis and lead the fetal head past the first.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):954-955
pages 954-955 views

Esthiomenie menstrual Ulcer of the Nose; its Treatment and Cure

Jones M.


The interest of this case lies precisely in the fact that the ulcer worsened greatly with the approach of the regulation, which the young woman had very meager, sometimes only for several hours, and with the termination of their ulcer improved.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):955-956
pages 955-956 views

On the Culture—Diagnosis and Serum—Treatment of Puerperal Infection, with illustrative Cases

Ginzburg M.D.


Professor Haultain's report is interesting as a model of rational recognition and treatment of childbirth fever.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):956-957
pages 956-957 views

Serum Treatment of Puerperal Infection

Ginzburg M.D.


In the postpartum woman, 36 hours after delivery, the temperature rose to 40.5 ° and the pulse to 144.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):957-957
pages 957-957 views

A Case of Varicose vein of the broad ligament

Ginzburg M.D.


The patient had consulted Dr. Baldy 3 years earlier and then V. did not find the operation necessary. Some doctors suggested that the cause of her pain was a fracture of the tailbone; But Baldy did not find this or any other changes in the pelvis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):958-958
pages 958-958 views

Case for Diagnosis

Linke G.


A 36-year-old woman who had undergone an ovariotomy 3 years ago, fell long afterwards, hitting the left buttock area on the pavement ledge; the pain from the bruise lasted a few days. After 4 months, her pain on the left side again appeared, taking her for ischias, it took a long time to heal, but unsuccessfully.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):958-959
pages 958-959 views

А Case of partial Retroflexion of the gravid Uterus persisting till the end of the eigth month spontaneous Delivery

Herman G.Е.


(Lancet, 21 V 1898).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):959-959
pages 959-959 views

Incarcerated retroflexed pregnant uterus with enormously distended Bladder

Simpson W.


Woman 27 years old, first-pregnant, the last regulation in June 97, in November she had difficulty urinating, so that 2 times she had to release urine with a catheter; internal research was not done at the same time. Until February 1898, nothing bothered the pregnant woman; renewed pain forced her to go to a doctor who, finding her condition very serious, sent her to the hospital.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):959-961
pages 959-961 views

А case of dead Twin retained to fulle Time

Ross D.


A woman who had twins twice had a new pregnancy in the first 3 months with a rapid increase in the abdomen. On the 5th month, after the fright, strong blood appeared, which soon ceased; pregnancy was not terminated.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):961-962
pages 961-962 views

Adherent Placenta

Ginzburg M.


The author considers the former endometritis to be the cause of the increment, in first-born women in the form of dysmenorrhea membranacea. The danger of leaving the placenta - bleeding and septic infection, occurring both after a miscarriage and after urgent delivery.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):962-962
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A case of vesico-uterine Fistula; closure by Turning cervical Canal into Bladder; Subsequent oophorectomy

Duncan W.


A 33-year-old woman with tertiary syphilis developed a vesicouterine urinary fistula. 2 years before that, she suffered from acute iritis. After 10 months after that, she was again admitted to one of the provincial hospitals with a huge tumor in the stomach, under the liver, which, as it seemed, had no connection with the pelvic organs.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):962-964
pages 962-964 views

The Anatomical Points Involved in Emmet’s Method of Operating- upon the Perineum in Laceration of the Segond Degree

Wilson R.


The operation of suturing perineal ruptures consisted of suturing some torn skin flaps; then the muscles began to connect; now, by the example of Emmet, the pelvic fascias are also sutured. The anatomical basis of this operation is insufficiently clarified in most textbooks.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):964-967
pages 964-967 views

Intra-uterine typhoid Fewer

Ginzburg M.D.


The author observed a 5 month pregnant woman with typhoid fever. She began to have a miscarriage, which the author hastened the extraction of the embryo; after 18 hours the patient died.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):967-967
pages 967-967 views

Senile Uterine Catarrh

Croom H.


Cr. reported the histories of three patients who presented typical signs of the following. form of catarrh of the uterus: 1) with muco-purulent corrosive separation; 2) with a secret, painted in bloody color; 3) with profuse bloody discharge.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):967-968
pages 967-968 views

Extrauterine Pregnancy operated on at the seventh Month. Transactions of the Southern surgical and gynecological Association

Ginzburg M.


Dr. E. was invited to a multiparous 36-year-old woman on 17 / III 97, because of a seizure of acute anemia that appeared in her. Anamnesis pointed to irregularities in the menses, the study revealed an extrauterine pregnancy with a ruptured fallopian tube.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):968-969
pages 968-969 views

Polyneuritis in relation to gestation and the Puerperium

Ginzburg M.


Whether neuritis occurs in a pregnant woman or in a postpartum woman is the reason for his poisoning of the body. The author draws attention to the difference between this suffering and the aftermath of alcoholism, from local damage to the nerves, caused by traumatism of childbirth on the plexus sacralis, or by scattered septic foci in postnatal inflammation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):969-971
pages 969-971 views

Discussion of Enucleation of Uterine Myomata

Ginzburg M.


At the end of the British gyn. Society April 14, the question of what kind of operation should be performed in case of uterine myomas was discussed: exclusion of tumors or destruction of the entire uterus? Since many well-known surgeons participated in the course, I briefly summarize their opinion.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):971-972
pages 971-972 views

Phlegmasia alba dolens puerperalis.—Thrombophlebitis v. femoralis puerperalis

Orbant M.


The course and manifestation of the postpartum process is so diverse that until now it has not been possible to create a classification of diseases of parturient women, which could be summed up in all cases of childbirth fever.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(7-8):973-989
pages 973-989 views

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