Treatment of benign hyperplasic processes of milk glands in patients with genital endometriosis

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Health condition of 137 f emale with genital endometriosis before hormonal therapy and under the influence of antagonists ( danazol) and agonists of gonadotropic hormones (gozerelin, decapeptyl, buserelin) treatment was studied. Frequent association of genital endometriosis and benign breast tumors (91 % ) and e fficiency of using antagonists and agonists of gonadotropins in the occasions of the simultaneous development of hyperplasic processes in the reproductive system were revealed.

About the authors

A. B. lliin

Russian Military Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after A. Ya. Krassovsky

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

E. V. Malakhova

Russian Military Medical Academy


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after A. Ya. Krassovsky

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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