Phlegmasia alba dolens puerperalis.—Thrombophlebitis v. femoralis puerperalis

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The course and manifestation of the postpartum process is so diverse that until now it has not been possible to create a classification of diseases of parturient women, which could be summed up in all cases of childbirth fever.

About the authors

M. Orbant

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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  2. Ribemont-Dessaignes et Lepage. Précis d’obstetrique.
  3. Fehling. Die Physiologie und Pathologie des Wochenbetts.
  4. Dieulafoy. Руководство внутренней патологіи.
  5. Рунге. Учебникъ акушерства.
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  7. Шредеръ. Руководство по акушерству.
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  9. Hensoldt. Ibidem. Charité-Annal 1890 г.
  10. Hochstetter. Ibidem. Charité-Annal 1894 г.
  11. Zwicke. Bericht über die chirurgische Klinick. Charité-Annal 1883 г.
  12. Freudweiler. Uber experimentelle Phlebitis. Virchow’s Arch. В. 141 h. 3.
  13. Riviere. De la phlegmasia alb. dol. puerperale. Рефератъ. Schmidt’s. Jahrbüch. B. 240. H. I.
  14. Sanderer. Руководство общей хирургической патологіи и терапіи.

Copyright (c) 1898 Orbant M.

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