Krönig. - Ueber die Natur der Scheidenkeime, speciell über das Vorkommen anaerober Streptokokken im Scheidensekret Schwangerer. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1895, No. 16). On the nature of vaginal microbes, mainly in anaerobic renal cocci in the vaginal discharge in pregnant women

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The author informs the further results of his observations (Centralbl. F. Gynaek., 1894, No. 1). Not finding at that time in the separated vagina of pregnant women microbes that would grow aerobically, he, having put the secret of the vagina (in pregnant women) in the conditions of anaerobic life on nutrient media, received cocci, located in groups of 12-20, microscopically indistinguishable from encountered in childbirth fever, renal cocci.

About the authors

N. Kakushkin

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


Copyright (c) 1895 Kakushkin N.

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