Goenner. Das Verhältniss des Schädels der Mutter zu dem des Kindes und dessen geburtshilfliche Bedeutung mit gleichzeitiger Berichsichtigung des mutterlichen Beckens. (Zeitschrift f. Geb. und Gyn., XXVIII Bd., 2 Hft). The ratio of the mother's skull to the fetal skull and the obstetric value of this ratio in connection with the size of the maternal pelvis

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The fact established by clinical observations that very often women with such sizes of the pelvis, which are considered to be pathological, childbirth proceed completely spontaneously, involuntarily raises the question of whether these persons belong to these other races and whether they give birth to children with a different head shape.

About the authors

S. Y. Khazan

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


Copyright (c) 1894 Khazan S.Y.

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