Dr. Yakov Rosenthal. Przypadok utworzenia sie kamienia w jamie pecherzowo-pochwowej po zupelnem zaszyciu przewodu pochwowego. (Colpokleisis). (Gazeta lekarska, No. 12, 1894). A case of the formation of a stone in the vesicovaginal cavity after the operation of the complete obliteration of the sleeve

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In 42 years old, extremely emaciated, sick, 20 years ago, one who was giving birth, developed a vesicovaginal fistula during childbirth. Repeatedly perfect operations on this occasion did not bring relief to the patient, until, 5 years ago, she agreed to an operation of artificial vaginal closure (colpokleisis). A year and a half ago, the patient began to feel pain in the lower abdomen, which intensified in the last time to intolerance, in addition, there was an involuntary discharge of urine.

About the authors

B. Polonsky

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


Copyright (c) 1894 Polonsky B.

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